

Sean C

TVWBB Member
need to put the wsm on the grass. problem is the grass is a little un even! any ideas so she will not topple over??
You could put it on a large concrete paver and shim up the low side with some packed sand or crushed paver base.

I have a few pieces of flagstone under the legs on mine. It is just to protect the deck, but would work on the grass too and you can stack a few to get it level.
its normally on the pavers! but have found when we have a party, the wsm is better put down the back yard with her 2 sister kettles! so only needs to be a quick temporary fix, a few times a year!
was thinking of plywood or I have a few half pallets (the hard plastic ones), or even try attaching some weights to the legs
Oh it's just a temporary fix. Than yea, go with plywood or the pallets or any type of stable, portable surface.
I have a old 17 gal wash tub that I use to set my SJP on or the WSM in when using on a deck or in the grass.
could D/T the legs and put adjustable height feet on it. Level it like a fridge (and I'd recommend the flat board under that.. so even if its slightly down hill)
changed my mind. cooking in the usual spot! reason I was going to move, my neighbors complain about the smoke! and on christmas day I will have 3 webers cooking in that spot at the sametime! but i am not using any smoking woods!

