Tried something new to me with a couple of pork butts



New member
I usually do a dry rub and cook right on the rack over charcoal and water in my wsm 22.5. I got to thinking how much liquid I was losing and wondered if there was a different way. I'd wrapped in order to rush through the stall, so I had an idea. I have had pulled shoulders from a crock pot before and they are crazy juicy.. no liquid loss, so I wondered if it could be done without losing the smoke ring...

Instead of wrapping, I put my butts with rub in some 9x9 pans and then smoked them on the grates. One of my butts overflowed the pan it released so much juice, but the other only filled it about half way. They never stalled. 16 lbs in 2 shoulders, and they cooked in about 5 hours to 195. No stall. Nice and juicy, pulled easy (bone out so I couldnt clean bone it...), had the smoke ring about 1/4- 1/2" thick at the top. Less bark, but the wife isnt a fan of it so its all good.

Neigbors loved it, I loved it, family loved it, and brother in law, who also has a wsm, said he's gonna do his next butts that way. smokey flavor was awesome too. It wasnt a full wrap, but I think it was even jucier than I've done it before. Its like I had it foil wrapped with a couple cups of apple juice in there liquid wise if that makes sense.

Anyone else ever done this and have opinions?
240ish, there was some variation.. temps started raising for the last hour but I was already at 190 before it broke 250. Usually I have a few hour stall in the middle of it, but there wasn't one on either butt this time. I think the liquid being at temp cause it to push through where the stall would have been (the top rack was 1.5" submerged in its own juices, the bottom was closer to .75"). I think its kind of like foil wrap at the stall. It worked out really well though.. Been told to do it that way for now on from the folks that ate it :D You do lose the bark on the bottom half, but if you put it in for 1-2 hours to get the bark then transfer it to a pan I suspect it would have a similar result. I wouldnt risk it with cooking for 50 folks, but for only doing 2 butts for a total of roughly 16lbs raw weight, it was "an acceptable risk"
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