Search results

  1. SteveF (Alpine)

    Pepper Stout Beef

    I'm taking this on right now, such a beautiful recipe. I did run into a little hiccough though, went to the store to pick up a chuck roast but they were $6/pound. Decided to pull one I had in the deep freeze out instead, so I’m a little behind. Here’s what I’m gonna do a little different and...
  2. SteveF (Alpine)

    Would like a good "all purpose" pork rub

    Depending on my mood and energy level, I'll make my own. But if I don't, John Henry's pecan is my "go to" for a versatile, non-spicy rub. I just Googled the site and it looks like the original pecan may no longer be on it??? John Henry's
  3. SteveF (Alpine)

    Smoking Whole Chickens

    Not sure how you're planning on serving it, but I threw a couple Coke butt chickens on after my last butt was done (you can see the gunk in the pan from the pig) and just kept an eye on their temps. I was just going to offer pulled chicken in addition to the pork and they came out perfect. The...
  4. SteveF (Alpine)

    cooking at 350* using a 22 1/2 WSM

    While I may not be able to give the exact "recipe" for the temps you're looking for, I will speak to my experience doing a whole turkey a couple weeks ago: *Two overflowing chimneys *Foiled, empty pan *Temps in the high 80's *All vents wide open *325 lid thermometer temp for the 3-4 hours and...
  5. SteveF (Alpine)

    Charcoal ring to water bowl distance?

    11 3/4" to the underside of the lip, 12 1/4" to the top of the lip/bowl.
  6. SteveF (Alpine)

    Post a pic of your Pet (Dog) *****

    My two "ferocious" Dobermans, AKA Zeus ans Zoey:
  7. SteveF (Alpine)

    SJS assembly - spare parts :)

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by george curtis: its just the picture #. </div></BLOCKQUOTE> Then where's picture #2
  8. SteveF (Alpine)

    SS Bowls

    I got my set at Costco. Good quality, great price. They're a few years old so who knows if you can get something similar these days. You know how stuff at Costco is, here today, gone tomorrow...
  9. SteveF (Alpine)


    Food for thought, easiest potatoes ever: (pun intended) My favorite potatoes
  10. SteveF (Alpine)

    Grilled baby potatoes

    This is so simple, you can hardly even call it a recipe. I did a quick search to try to verify I'm not being redundant with this post. Start with some baby potatoes, smaller than golf balls. Reds, golds, blues, they all taste great. Scrub and rinse 'em. let 'em dry and then lightly rub with...
  11. SteveF (Alpine)

    Need some helpful suggestions

    Are the ones you're looking at made from round or flat stock metal? Round is easy to work with and you can get 16-20 foot sections of 3/16" stainless rod from a metal supply. Flat is a little trickier as you can't just shear a bunch of strips off of a sheet of stainless. The strips curl and need...
  12. SteveF (Alpine)

    Gonna do a turkey this weekend

    Still haven't decided how to prep it. It's a 19 pounder that's been taking up valuable real estate in the deep freeze since Christmas. It's a Butterball, so I guess it's been slightly molested but I don't care, I've got to get rid of this thing... Any recommendations?
  13. SteveF (Alpine)

    Charcoal only griller

    That's hilarious. I use mine to rest stuff on too (enter SJ). That said, I couldn't live without either. They can both do things the other can't. Sorry to be the devil's advocate of the thread
  14. SteveF (Alpine)

    Rotisserie chicken rocks!

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Brian Zimmerman: Does the rotisserie work better than the beer can? </div></BLOCKQUOTE> From a moistness standpoint, there's no comparison IMO. The...
  15. SteveF (Alpine)

    Too Hot, Too Cool - Frustrated in AZ

    While I can't speak to any AZ related cooking anomalies, I have smoked in about 100 degree temps. I also won't proclaim to be any expert on the WSM yet as I've only done about a half dozen smokes myself. What I can do is let you know what I've done differently that has worked. Start with the...
  16. SteveF (Alpine)

    Stainless Top Performer Propane Tank

    Isn't it just a run 'o' the mill 5 lb. propane tank? Google shopping
  17. SteveF (Alpine)

    Height under lid of 26.75"?

    There's only about 1/2" difference, 8" vs. 8 1/2" (give or take).
  18. SteveF (Alpine)

    Tri Tip Marinade?

    I usually keep tri tips pretty simple: 50/50 ratio of italian dressing and commercial BBQ sauce, with cayennne powder and chili flakes to taste in a ziplock overnight. Sure I've done dry rubs, injections, etc., But I keep going back to lazy and simple. For I am basically, lazy and simple...
  19. SteveF (Alpine)

    Post a picture of yourself! *****

    That's funny, I flew all the way to AZ to get mine. LX450.

