Need some helpful suggestions


T Bounds

TVWBB Super Fan

I would really like to make Alton Brown's Tikka Masala using chicken, not lamb, on my kettle using the modified flower pot. I have the pot, cut smoothly, all the spices, and a serious yen to get started, but to make the dish you must have LONG skewers, 27 or 28 inches long. The ones AB uses are from a company called Super Skewers, and they want $79 for a 10 pack. That offends my sensibilities. I'd like to make something 27-28 inches long, quality steel, and would gladly do so if I could know the material and find the material. Does anybody have any suggestions of something safe, available, and less expensive I could use as a material to make skewers? Thanks for any answers in advance.
Are the ones you're looking at made from round or flat stock metal? Round is easy to work with and you can get 16-20 foot sections of 3/16" stainless rod from a metal supply. Flat is a little trickier as you can't just shear a bunch of strips off of a sheet of stainless. The strips curl and need to be cut a different way.

Thanks for the info. I'd love to get some flat stock, anywhere between 3/16 and 3/8. Your point about the cutting is interesting and instructive. Still, I hope to find some flat stock in there is any available. Again, thanks for the insight.

