Recent content by Dustin_G

  1. D

    Hunsaker Vortex Plate for WSM Charcoal Ring

    I know folks really like those 'vortex' baskets, but I have a hard time believing the air flow in a charcoal smoker is high enough for it to really work as claimed. I know when my WSM is puffing along at 250*F it's literally just puffing, there's not a fast moving stream of air coming out of...
  2. D

    Kettle high heat/fuel nearer food grate

    If you want high temp and leave the lid on, if you put the lid on a bit ajar so it's partially open you can easily peg the thermometer. Basically slide the lid over so it's resting on one of the handle brackets on the side w/a small opening around the opposite side. It'll get HOT.
  3. D

    Wsm wheels

    Are the legs secured to the dolly? If not I don't see it making any difference - it's still sitting on three legs. I thought about building a dolly for mine, but then I'd want to attach the legs to the dolly, which would make ash clean up more of a hassle.
  4. D

    Wsm wheels

    Yep, should be good to go. I've never touched the legs down at the wheels during a cook, but I don't think they get that hot, they're aluminum so they shed heat pretty fast.
  5. D

    Wsm wheels

    I've got an 18" WSM and the wheels just don't get that hot, heat isn't worth worrying about. The heat shield does a good job of blocking heat. And with the 22" the wheels are even further away from the cooker than my 18". I will say this - get the biggest wheels you can. Mine are pretty...
  6. D

    Pork tenderloin

    Pork tenderloin has to be one of my favorite easy cooks. Good weeknight meal too. I've done them a few ways, grilled direct, grilled indirect, smoked, and on a rotisserie. I've decided I like grilling indirect best, and I've found it's really important to make sure you don't over cook it...
  7. D

    Temp rising at the end of a cook

    How long did the cook last? In other words, how long did it hold a steady temp before the temp started raising?
  8. D

    Last smoke of the year

    With a busy schedule and some travel coming up this was our last weekend for low and slow cooking for the year. Smoked a rack of baby backs using the 3-2-1 method. As much as I love a hands off style to smoking (put the meat on and then don't touch it till it's ready), the 3-2-1 just flat out...
  9. D

    Weird Temp Spike

    Maybe some coals shifted, knocked off ash, opened up air flow, and boom - higher temp? Maybe the temp probe started reading differently? I wouldn't worry about it either way, 35 degrees won't make or break anything IMO. My temp will slowly waiver up and down throughout a several hour cook...
  10. D

    Using harwdood only in your WSM?

    That's why I use lump instead of briquettes. No need to let it 'ash over', no chemicals to burn off, no bad smells.
  11. D

    Starting a fire.

    Agreed. There's no way it should take 4hrs to cook a pizza. Fire is a pretty simple thing...
  12. D

    First overnight smoke coming up...

    My advice, as an owner of a TTT, a kettle, and a WSM: Just use the WSM, set the vents correctly and you don't need to baby sit it, and no need to use the TTT. Don't use a water pan (or at least, don't fill it up with water). With the vents set correctly it'll hold a steady enough temp all...
  13. D

    Odd question for all of you

    You'll only use as much charcoal as it requires. When done just close the vents.
  14. D

    Starting a fire.

    Okay here's how I do it, took pics last night when grilling, and kept an eye on the time. Coals were on the grill in about 5mins. I do the exact same thing when smoking on the WSM. Again, I use lump, so I don't have to wait for it to ash over completely. Here's the lighter I'm currently...
  15. D

    Anyone modify the top grate retaining tabs? Rib catastrophe

    The grate shouldn't fall of course. But, what I do if I'm cooking on the upper grate and not using the lower, I put a drip pan on the lower grate, and don't use the water pan at all.

