Recent content by Curtis D. Fry

  1. C

    Spares vs Baby Backs

    In my limited time with the WSM (only about 15 smokes), I've found that foiling spares for over an hour makes for over-done meat. I go 45 minutes to an hour and then back on for 1 to 2 hours more unfoiled. I've found that foiled ribs are juicier in the end. I stack the foiled meat taken off...
  2. C

    Up to temperature

    Granted I'm very new to the WSM, but in my experience, it depends on the amount of meat I have in there. However, in my first couple of smokes, I had trouble with getting the temps too high too fast (no food on the grates and I left the vents open too long), so I like to just take it slow and...
  3. C

    ET-73 Battery life ??

    I have the ET-73 that I've used now for about 3 smokes, including a 13 hour butt smoke and a couple of 6 hour rib sessions. I'm now doing another rib smoke and the remote receiver unit keeps losing the signal even though it's going through just a glass door (at work). In the past, it went...
  4. C

    First all-nighter, but had high smoker temps

    Good ideas. I probably let the heat get too far out of control before tapping off the vents more. I did, however, have an out-of-round problem before this smoke, but I adjusted it before I began last night. I also had to adjust the access door as well. either way the Butts were soooooooo...
  5. C

    First all-nighter, but had high smoker temps

    I did my first all-night smoke last night. For the most part I think it was a success. As explained in another thread, I cooked up five three lb Butts (2 boneless and 3 bone-in). I used the Minion method with 20 pre-lit briquettes and a ring full of unlit charcoal. I used a regular WSM...
  6. C

    Butt cooking time question...

    Well the butts are a smokin' and I'm getting antsy. Thanks to the feedback, I figured I'd be looking at a 10 to 12 hour smoke. I'm sitting on 10 hours right now and we're getting to the high 180's. So another hour maybe ought to do it. So my mouth is starting to water right now.... Thanks...
  7. C

    Butt cooking time question...

    Yes, actually, I'm no longer dealing with a 10 lb chunk (my wife couldn't get that piece). So instead I'm left with five three pounders. From what I can gather, smaller pieces would theoretically take less time than one whole chunk of the same weight. But the connective tissue still have to...
  8. C

    Butt cooking time question...

    Thanks for the input. What I'm actually faced with now is my wife bought three more 3 pounders at our local grocery store. So at this point, I have roughly five three pound Butts. From what you're all saying, these 5 chunks will cook in the same amount of time a 15 pound chunk would cook? If...
  9. C

    Butt cooking time question...

    I have a little question for all you Q-ru's out there (BBQ guru's). I have two 3.5 lb boneless Boston butts (must be a bigger one chopped in half). I am going to be cooking them alongside a bigger (10 lb) piece of meat. Seeing as how I would assume the smaller pieces would cook faster, and I...
  10. C

    First I have questions

    Good to know about the 3-2-1. Also, I will tone down the # of chunks next time. Sean, on the BRITU recipe for the spares, what was your lid temp on the smoke that took almost 8 hours?
  11. C

    First I have questions

    I pulled off my first smoke this past weekend. I really appreciate everyone's input on this board as it was my deciding factor on the WSM. Anyhoo....I did two slabs of spareribs. Used the standard method with a chimney of both lit and unlit kingsford. Windy day with temps in the 80's. Had a...
  12. C

    whole chicken

    A trick I use with Turkey at Thanksgiving is to add a moist towel or rag to the breast area for the first hour or so of cooking. It allows the thigh to get a head start on the breast and will be a lot less prone to dry white meat. Should work on chickens too I'd imagine.

