Two smokes under my belt on my new 18.5" WSM and looking to do a third this weekend. I've done beer can chicken and turkey legs so far, both turned out great. The beer can chicken was smoked low and slow between 225-250 and I did the turkey legs on high heat, 300-350. I am wanting to smoke some chicken legs this weekend and was hoping for some cooking instructions, I couldn't find any on the site. I want full smoke flavor with crispy skin if possible. I am willing to sacrifice some crispiness for more smoke if necessary. How do you guys smoke the legs? Low and slow, high heat, with or without a water pan, ect.? I'd like to completely cover the top rack of my 18.5" WSM with chicken legs or do a beer can chicken then fill the rest of the grate with chicken legs. Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!