WSM Briquette Snake?


Mark Preece

New member
I am wondering if anyone has come across, or even considered using a snake insert on the charcoal grill to extent the smoke duration for an overnight cook? I have been looking online for some kind of a round snake maze for my 22”WSM but have not found anything.

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
I just fill the thing to overflowing and throttle back the vents for an overnight. The thing I keep finding is the WSM is designed to work simply, I do what Enrico Brandizzi used to call a “sidewinder method.“ I just fire the thing off for about three minutes with a torch through the hatch, button it up and go to bed. Works well for me.
TBH Mark I don't think you need to "snake" the 22 WSM for an overnighter.
The 22 charcoal ring will hold a shed-load of fuel. More than ample for a long Minion cook.
I can get 12hrs cook time on my WSM14. (I have an extended charcoal ring though).

I also endorse the "sidewinder" Minion method Timothy mentions above. I've cut a 20oz soup can in half, lengthways. Put the cut side against the inside of the charcoal ring and fill the charcoal ring to overflowing around the can. Light up 15 briqs and put them in the tin can, pull the tin can out, button everything up, (meat already on the cooking grate along with probes). I find it's an even burn as it radiates out in a fan style across the charcoal ring, as opposed to it burning in all directions. It just seems to work better, and there's more reusable fuel left over.
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Wow Tony and Timothy! This is a great method to try! Thanks!
Well, it seems to work well for me, I am not big on gee gaws and jimcracks so for me the whole lack of need for ANYTHING but the torch makes me pretty happy.
I also do the Harry Soo smoke wood on the bottom technique. Full layer of smokewood, fill the ring as full as humanly possible, assemble, torch ignition, button it up, adjust the vents, go to bed. That’s how lazy I am!
Chris, I have been telling myself I need to make some bacon from the day I brought the WSM home! I think the time is coming! TonyUK has been after me to get on it! So has my wife’s son!!
Really, thanks for jogging my memory about snake method for that! Maybe next week?

