WSM 14.5, want to try a brisket

i think its about time i step up my game and go for a brisket. With the 14.5 what size brisket can i fit? Do i just buy a brisket and trim to fit? Cut it in half?
A 10-12lb brisket will around 18-20" long. I would definitely NOT cut it in half. I'd watch Aaron Franklin's video on youtube on how to trim a brisket. Then, instead of cutting in half, cut a few inches off each end so that the brisket will fit the 14.5. Now the edges of the brisket will likely fry as there is no protection from the water tray, so I'd use some foil under the edges to protect the end from getting dried out/crunchy. Be sure to save the pieces you trimmed off the ends. Smoke those too and they will get done in a few hours and you can snack on those.
If you can, get a prime brisket from Costco. I got an 11lb one a few weeks ago for $2.99/lb.
An alternative to trimming is to alter the shape of the brisket in the smoker to make better use of the volume available. If you have a rib rack, put that in the smoker and drape the brisket over it. It will raise the middle of the brisket and should take several inches off the length of the brisket at grate level. No rib rack? Try a loaf pan. If you're handy, build an A-frame assembly, like a pup tent frame, and drape the brisket over that.
To counter RemoGaggi's recommendation, I have a 22.5 and ALWAYS cut my briskets in half. REASON: The flat, being thinner, gets done before the point.
An alternative to trimming is to alter the shape of the brisket in the smoker to make better use of the volume available. If you have a rib rack, put that in the smoker and drape the brisket over it. It will raise the middle of the brisket and should take several inches off the length of the brisket at grate level. No rib rack? Try a loaf pan. If you're handy, build an A-frame assembly, like a pup tent frame, and drape the brisket over that.

This sometimes works. But when it doesn't, the brisket straightens out as it cooks and touches the edges. The last time I did this, the brisket tightened up, flattened out, and knocked the lid open, thus sending more airflow and shooting the temps up above 350+. I ended up with an overcooked brisket!
Some helpful info:

There was a post (that I can't find) where someone put a rib rack or something like that on it's side on the bottom rack of a 14.5 & leaned the brisket on it. So it was on a slant. They may or may not have put it on the top rack after it shrunk - can't remember.

Anyway... cooking a brisket in a 14.5 is doable.

Post pix of your cook.
I've had a 14.5" WSM and while it is possible to cook a brisket on this, it's a little bit like jamming your size 10 foot into a size 8 shoe. There are ways to make it work, but you don't really have a lot of good options. The size limitations of the 14.5" is the main reason I no longer I have one.

