Wow, Such Grates!!!

My wife says, I don’t want a deck full of grills; why do you need so many?!!!

I need to look at your pictures more closely. I think those Platinum 2nd generation grates may be better than the 3rd generation ones I have. Not sure. If you have time and have a caliper, can you measure how thick they are, the space between the rods and how many rods per grate? Maybe also weigh one? That would give some good info on comparison to the ones I did my “report” on.

As far as 430 stainless, I do not believe there would be any difference in grilling vs 304 and have never seen any rust out that I owned. I think most would agree that the mass of metal has the most impact on their ability to sear as you have noted. The are hardly lacking in mass, but it will be interesting if you can measure and weigh yours.
Unfortunately, I don't have calipers. A ruler shows they're very close to 9mm but I can't get it exact. Weight is 8 pounds 9.8 ounces.IMG_20220210_182251.jpg

There appears to be approximately a half inch between grates.

So it appears that they're a bit lighter than Dave's, which you said weighed in at 9 pounds, 10 ounces. But like his, there are 15 very hefty rods per grate. So, while these may not be the very best, they're close enough to fully satisfy me. Particularly considering that, if he ever offers them again, they'll probably be at least $200 including shipping.

One weird thing about these grates, however, is a bumpiness on a couple of rods (right in the middle on the pictures below). Doesn't seem to impact the grilling in any significant way but can anyone tell me what this is? Does it mean the stainless is beginning to break downIMG_20220210_182715.jpgIMG_20220210_182732.jpg?
Ha, ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!

You just got a grill for the GRATES!!!! That's like buying a car for the wiper blades!

I'm no medical doctor, but I one hundred percent diagnose you with Weberitis.

You can expect your grill holdings to increase for the next six months (especially in the spring when all those delicious free ones start popping up), then you will reach some maximum level and because of some factor (wife, frustration, etc) only then can you expect your condition to improve.

But the search for "Weber" and "Webber" are longstanding conditions that may never be resolved.

Best of luck, I recommend Natural Gas for your condition. Ever since I started using it, I've been able to stay away from most grills because they use propane. It was an unexpectedly effective intervention.
Yeah, I much fear you are right my friend. Hopefully the deck won't collapse by the time this blows over.

Alas, we do not have natural gas in our neighborhood. I'm pretty far out in the woods. In fact, behind us is two and a half miles of protected land butting right up against our yard. We have a 500 gallon buried propane tank but I could see myself leaving the valve open and emptying the tank. I feel much safer being able to do no more than 5 gallons of damage.
Wait, what? Seven is a problem? This pic is just about half of my current inventory. I can rattle off at least another dozen from what’s in the shed and the shop. I wouldn’t know how to react if I didn’t have at least 15 in the queue at any time.

View attachment 45200
Oh my! Setting aside any concerns family and friends may have, are you able to restore these things in a manner that's remotely sensible? How much time do you put in on an average grill and how much profit do you make, if you don't mind my asking.
That’s awesome Roy, yeah they are heavy, my D6 is just shy of 300 lbs, and the grates are awesome, I picked up a stainless wire wheel for my mini grinder to keep mine clean. Hopefully the cook box and flavorizer bars are usable. Good luck whatever you decide to do with it.
Thanks Bill. So far, as to the grill itself . . . eh. Now, if I ever manage to get it fired up, maybe I'll change my mind. But man, did I mention those grates?!!!
FWIW, When I spoke to Dave he told me the early Summit grates (full 3/8" 304ss tight spacing) were how he set up his jigs to make grates. IIRC he spaces the width of the bars. When he made my grates for my Wolf he (at my request) cut that spacing down to .25". There are 3 grates on it and let me tell ya, they're WAY heavier than the old cast iron ones were. And, best of all I don't sacrifice food falling though to the grill gods :D So glad I was able to work with him on them
Might need a fork life to load 'em.
Hope Dave will still do custom work after the supply chain issues clears up. In addition to the tighter spacing, I wanted Dave to make longer grates to compensate for my stubbornly bowed firebox. My current SS v-shaped grates are starting to fall off the rails.

But in the meantime, here’s a hack for keeping the grilling game on:

[View attachment 45207
The chopsticks prevent grates from sloshing back/forth.
Bamboo? On a grill that goes to three million degrees?
One weird thing about these grates, however, is a bumpiness on a couple of rods (right in the middle on the pictures below). Doesn't seem to impact the grilling in any significant way but can anyone tell me what this is? Does it mean the stainless is beginning to break downView attachment 45212?

Yah, that is corrosion. Even Stainless will corrode. Some foods have higher corrosive properties than others and if someone leaves them all gunked up for months at a time, it would make it worse. But, don't worry, those are great grates and they have a lot of life left in them.
Unfortunately, I don't have calipers. A ruler shows they're very close to 9mm but I can't get it exact. Weight is 8 pounds 9.8 ounces.View attachment 45210

There appears to be approximately a half inch between grates.
View attachment 45211

So it appears that they're a bit lighter than Dave's, which you said weighed in at 9 pounds, 10 ounces. But like his, there are 15 very hefty rods per grate. So, while these may not be the very best, they're close enough to fully satisfy me. Particularly considering that, if he ever offers them again, they'll probably be at least $200 including shipping.

One weird thing about these grates, however, is a bumpiness on a couple of rods (right in the middle on the pictures below). Doesn't seem to impact the grilling in any significant way but can anyone tell me what this is? Does it mean the stainless is beginning to break downView attachment 45212View attachment 45213?
Not that they won't last another twenty years, but they are starting to show signs of wear.
Tell me about this fascination with Summits that surpasseth all others?
The ones that had stainless frames were beautiful grills. The problem is the cookbox that rots out and can't be replaced. Jon and Bruce only want one because at some point they would come up with a solution to that problem. I wouldn't want to deal with it so I wouldn't want one.
Now cut that out!
Just having some fun with you Roy, I am really glad you got those grates you wanted. And I'm kind of not kidding that you're getting pretty well infected with the -itis! Those grates look to be about 5/16 inches by the ruler picture, which is about 8 mm. I'm not sure what the RC grates are, I think some say 9 mm. I suppose I could go measure them. I don't have calipers either so I'd have to measure ballpark with a ruler too.
Just having some fun with you Roy, I am really glad you got those grates you wanted. And I'm kind of not kidding that you're getting pretty well infected with the -itis! Those grates look to be about 5/16 inches by the ruler picture, which is about 8 mm. I'm not sure what the RC grates are, I think some say 9 mm. I suppose I could go measure them. I don't have calipers either so I'd have to measure ballpark with a ruler too.
No offense taken. Was having fun with it.

Eyeballing it with a ruler, it looked to be about 9 mm. It's substantially larger than the BBQParts grates. The friend who helped me wrangle these grates is coming by soon. When he does, I'll ask him to bring calipers.
Excuse the seasoning, but these are RC grates. Looks like 9mm to me, and 9 mm spacing too. I'm just showing this for informational purposes. These are a few years old.
View attachment 45214
Excuse the seasoning, but these are RC grates. Looks like 9mm to me, and 9 mm spacing too. I'm just showing this for informational purposes. These are a few years old.
My photo is deceptive because the ruler was well off the grates. The ruler belongs to my wife and I knew she wouldn't want grease on it. I'll take another photo using a tape measure, if I have one with metric measurements.
The Weber part # for those Summit grates was 9930. I don't think Weber sells them anymore, but there are still new ones out there to be had. There should also be quality aftermarket versions available if you just Google the part #.
The Weber part # for those Summit grates was 9930. I don't think Weber sells them anymore, but there are still new ones out there to be had. There should also be quality aftermarket versions available if you just Google the part #.
Wow. Just $129 on Amazon. Had I known, I would have bought these but now I already have two sets of grates. Will just keep my eyes open for the next Summit. Preferably a broken down one on the side of the road so I can just pull the grates and run. 🙃

