Unfortunately, I don't have calipers. A ruler shows they're very close to 9mm but I can't get it exact. Weight is 8 pounds 9.8 ounces.My wife says, I don’t want a deck full of grills; why do you need so many?!!!
I need to look at your pictures more closely. I think those Platinum 2nd generation grates may be better than the 3rd generation ones I have. Not sure. If you have time and have a caliper, can you measure how thick they are, the space between the rods and how many rods per grate? Maybe also weigh one? That would give some good info on comparison to the ones I did my “report” on.
As far as 430 stainless, I do not believe there would be any difference in grilling vs 304 and have never seen any rust out that I owned. I think most would agree that the mass of metal has the most impact on their ability to sear as you have noted. The are hardly lacking in mass, but it will be interesting if you can measure and weigh yours.
There appears to be approximately a half inch between grates.
So it appears that they're a bit lighter than Dave's, which you said weighed in at 9 pounds, 10 ounces. But like his, there are 15 very hefty rods per grate. So, while these may not be the very best, they're close enough to fully satisfy me. Particularly considering that, if he ever offers them again, they'll probably be at least $200 including shipping.
One weird thing about these grates, however, is a bumpiness on a couple of rods (right in the middle on the pictures below). Doesn't seem to impact the grilling in any significant way but can anyone tell me what this is? Does it mean the stainless is beginning to break down?