Would this be worth rehabbing

I just got a message back. Someone got to the seller first. I guess I am on the list if they don't show up. Oh well. I don't need any more projects right now with the season winding down.
That grill is going to need a LOT of love, elbow grease, and a few bucks. Looks like it was left outside quite a bit, so somehow the other person passes on it and you get an opportunity, check the condition of the frame - especially at the front (smaller) wheels. That area has a tendency to rust, and sometimes you don’t catch until it’s too late.
Alright. I rehab Weber gas grills, so I have a general idea. But on the gas grills, there are several problem areas that are not always easy to spot. I will check out the front wheels if I get the chance.

At least with gas grills, I have plenty of parts in storage, so if a part is bad, I usually have a replacement ready to go. No so with coal burners and especially a Performer.
Bruce, it won’t be any more difficult than the kettle you did for your friend a few weeks ago, the tables do have a tendency to crack(the nature of the thermoplastic in that thickness) but, if that’s OK you won’t have more than 2 -3 hours in tracking down the gas assist blockage and getting the igniter tuned up.
Those things go for 200 around here pretty regularly.
I don’t need one but for $25 I’d grab it in a heartbeat!
Around here they go for about $150 although haven't seen one for sale in about a year. Check out the ash catcher seems a little crooked, might just be he missed the notch putting it on.
Also it looks like that the bottom rack and bin are missing. They show up in my area quite a bit with prices all over the place.

