WORK SUCKS! Late Start Question


Preston Bakic

New member
I just got home late last night after a long week out on the road. The birds are thawed and I am about to leave for Sams/Grocery Store to complete the JD Brine and Apple Brines. Just like everyone else I imagine, I would like to have my cake and eat it too...a flavorful and juicy delicious bird with crispy skin.

If I remember correctly, I can double the salt in the brine to help cut down to half the time? This way the bird can brine during the day today and dry out in the fridge overnight.

I will be shopping so thoughts/suggestions will be helpful until about 10 a.m. CST.

I'm not sure I'd waste the money on the brine at this point...I think I'd be looking at injection or brining and no air dry!

I would not risk the double salt idea either...
Since I'm going to be wrapping it up and transporting it, I guess the skin will probably get wet again anyways and not make much of a difference?
Since I'm going to be wrapping it up and transporting it, I guess the skin will probably get wet again anyways and not make much of a difference?

If you're going to wrap it, your skin may not be as crispy as you may prefer.

I'd brine it per the recipe, or inject it -- your call -- then roast/smoke it at 325-350*F until done.

Happy Thankgiving!
I'm not sure I'd waste the money on the brine at this point...I think I'd be looking at injection or brining and no air dry!

I would not risk the double salt idea either...

is there any downside to the brining with no air dry? me thinks that may be the route for me this year...
is there any downside to the brining with no air dry? me thinks that may be the route for me this year...

To me the skin is important but not more important than the taste and moistness of the meat. Therefore, given the choice due to time constraint, I recommended brine or inject with no air drying. The skin may suffer but that's the cost of the compromise.
To me the skin is important but not more important than the taste and moistness of the meat. Therefore, given the choice due to time constraint, I recommended brine or inject with no air drying. The skin may suffer but that's the cost of the compromise.

Yep what he said!! Spot on!!.....of course you could smoke the bird for a couple hours and finish it off in the oven to get the skin crispy..that might be an alternative as wel!
Preston, you may be thinking of this Cook's Illustrated recipe included on the All About Brining page:

High-Strength Turkey Brine (4-6 Hour Brining Time)

- 2 gallon cool water
- 4 cups Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt

Mix in a non-reactive container until dissolved. Substitute 3 cups Morton Kosher Salt or 2 cups table salt for Diamond Crystal.
Brine for 4-6 hours. Rinse turkey and pat dry with paper towels before cooking.

