wooden handles? (update on baby blue kettle)

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TVWBB All-Star
I know this topic is covered all over, but it seems the only three solutions are find a donor grill, make your own handles, or switch to plastic handles.

I'm NOT handy enough to make my own handles.
Also, the baby blue grill i'm restoring has two rivets (i think?) holding the handle on instead of one screw.

The wooden handle on the baby blue is TOTALLY rotted out, not salvagable

Please advise.

Here's how its looking so far (almost 10 hours of scrubbing and scraping - see how shiny the legs are?)
Troy! I can't believe you didn't ask me for some two rivet woodies! Email me asap and I will send em'. Let's get that bad boy back on it's feet!
Troy,after he sends you the handles,use some stainless steel nut and bolts to hold 'em in place. Let us know how they turn out.
Nice looking grill Troy! Take your time on it.

Shaun...here's motivation to work on your baby blue grill! Fix it up like you did on your red one! Make it a "looker".

BTW...I need one of those older style wheels...anyone have a spare one laying around???
Okay...I just registered so I could comment on this baby blue! First post.
I am somewhat obsessed with collecting metal handled (the bottom ones) kettles, and have never seen a baby blue one...
Can you folks provide me with some background info?
When were they made?
Were they a special run?
Anybody else have one?
Anybody want to sell one?
Welcome M. Reinhart, I have one just like that ready to be restored. My email is in my profile.
Originally posted by Shaun R:
Welcome M. Reinhart, I have one just like that ready to be restored. My email is in my profile.
Shaun, I thought you sold "<span class="ev_code_BLUE">Blue Moon</span>?
Ive found that using "0000" grade steel wool, and a little elbow grease will clean those legs up like that and make them shine. Im sure some aluminum polish would help too.
Originally posted by Mac McClure:
Shaun, I thought you sold "<span class="ev_code_BLUE">Blue Moon</span>?
Nope! I am considering it though for a member here that would like to do a rehab on it.
Shaun, sent you an email! Thanks!!!

For the legs (AND the outside body), i used 0000 steel wool, NEVR-DULL polishing wadding, and a handfull of random cleaners (greased lightning mostly)
I also used a bit of macguires metal polish after they were cleaned up.

The legs came clean (and shiny) REALLY easily.

AJ, i'm working on a blog post about rehabbing old webers - but all of the knowledge i have came from the folks here on this site
i also polish up the legs with 0000 or 000 steel wool. i'm experimenting on the legs, one grill i just used some pam and then wiped it off. the other i sprayed with high heat clear. we shall see. i think maybe car or aluminum polish would be the way to go.
Just in case you need a more original style


By zavod44 at 2012-01-03


By zavod44 at 2012-01-03


By zavod44 at 2011-12-29

I think some of the people here are looking for the original style to try to make their kettles as factory fresh as possible, those other handles are nice as well. Hey Troy you still need some handles?

Marty's handles looks awesome and I actually want a set for my smoker.

however as brian and jeff said, for vintage kettles i really want the original look.
Troy I told you I got you covered, How many handles do you need?


BTW I got that baby blue touched up, I'll send pics tomorrow
Id like the old style handle with the double rivets with no Weber logo on it. Contact me so we can work out arrangements. Ill look at my grills again, maybe a 2nd or 3rd might be in order.
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