Wish list...

I'm totally agreeing with you that it would seem more user friendly if it hid the coefficients and just showed presets (unless set to manual), I'm just saying that's not the way the data works. HeaterMeter is the source for what coefficients it is using but it doesn't know anything about presets, that's purely webui. The way it is now, the webui can't work its way back from coefficients to preset either.

There's a whole lot that can be done to make that page less NUMBERS AND BOXES IN YOUR FACE which is why it will all be split up and properly categorized and stuff when the webui is rewritten. I don't think it is worth the time to try to bandaid it just to hide a couple items.
Well, what I was really trying to accomplish was the thing that is most difficult, having the config page show what preset is running for each probe. Until now I didn't fully understand why that is so difficult. I figured at the same time I would point out that to the majority of users the coefficient data means nothing and is never edited/reference etc. I know in the past you had commented about the config page being too busy (when I have suggested you add this or that... lol), so I thought I would suggest you remove the coefficient data from the page and put it in a popup instead.
Would it be possible to have alternate views of the main LCD screen that would just show the current pit and blower info?

Something like "p$TEMP b$SPEED" that are double height letters, like the ones shown for ACME below.

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Was getting ready for my brisket today (had to get up at 4AM to start it) and I thought hey that would be a cool feature. How about if HM have an alarm that would light my smoker for me, then tell me when it was up to temp?

That would be awesome! ;)

Was getting ready for my brisket today (had to get up at 4AM to start it) and I thought hey that would be a cool feature. How about if HM have an alarm that would light my smoker for me, then tell me when it was up to temp?

That would be awesome! ;)

I 2nd this, and it needs to have a beer tap
Something like "p$TEMP b$SPEED" that are double height letters, like the ones shown for ACME below.
I missed this! Oh sadly no. The LCD modules only have standard size character generators. The "bignum" display I do by uploading the full 8 custom characters then using them in different combinations to draw numbers. I wouldn't be able to use them to make slightly smaller numbers.

Dave: I wish HeaterMeter had a "clean out all the ash" button. I do not enjoy doing that. I thought I'd be real clever and use a shop vac to do it once, that made a mess as it just blew ash right through the filter and back into the air.
There have been so many updates and improvements in the HM lately, it's awesome... However, on the HM main page graph the temp scale is still shown on the left and the blower scale is on the right... I just found myself tracing back to the left side from my food probe to figure out what temp it is hitting and got to wondering, whatever happened with reversing the scales?
I know we took and informal poll here and it was pretty much unanimous that it would be better to have the temperature scale on the right side where the probe graphs terminate so there is instant/direct reference to the temp scale, I'm wondering if this idea just got lost in the shuffle or what?
It's good to bring it up again because I do often forget about things. However... it should have been on the right for a couple months of snapshots now. At least it is on the card I just flashed, and my 4.0 that I updated from http://home.capnbry.net:22674/rpi/packages/ the snapshot on regular capnbry.net might not have it because it is old and I really should have been updating it along the way now that I think about it.

If you're running linkmeter v11 (you can check from the System -> Software page) it should be on the right. If not we can explore further.
Well damn, glad I mentioned it... 'cause I have loaded Linkmeter11 a while ago and again just the other day, and have loaded the snapshot just the other day (have the drop down for probe selection etc), but the HM graph still shows the temp on the left....
OK, now that I am thinking, I have customized my HM main page, and after I update I put my custom main page back in place, so that is why I am not seeing that change I would guess. I will install them again and then customize the new page with my graphics etc... sorry to bother you 'bout it...

Would it be possible to add a 'Wifi connected' option for the LEDs? And/or a blink function if the Wifi signal is low?
Yeah unfortunately not. The microcontroller controls the LEDs and triggers and really doesn't know about anything going on outside it especially not the status of a network adapter running on the other side of another system. Even if I were feeding data to it from the Pi, it would be pretty low-frequency polling which wouldn't be very useful.

This could probably be done in hardware (which is too late for this hardware cycle) for RT5370 chipset devices, which export their radio status (on/off), association status (connected to AP), and signal quality to "led class devices"
root@OpenWrt:~# cat /sys/class/leds/rt2800usb-phy0\:\:quality/brightness
Which could then be somehow attached to a gpio driver that PWMs the led to indicate signal quality. This is all "I assume..." because I've never used the led class device so I'm not sure how it works, I just know that that value varies depending on signal strength.
Would it be possible to program an alarm based on how much the meat internal temp has climbed in the last hour? Or something like that.

Then it would be possible to set an alarm not based on the internal temp, but instead when various meats hit the stall.
That's a good idea too. Again, though, the HeaterMeter doesn't know about the past and that's where the alarms live. To make matters worse you'd probably want to enter a value for how many DPH would trigger the alarm, and there's no storage for that. Also that would require a new set of arming code... man this one is really huge.

I'm going to put it in the TODO list anyway because it is a good idea, but impossible at this time.
OK, so I fresh installed LinkMeter11 again, now I have the temp scale showing on the right!
Before I go digging into the index html code to customize it the way I like, I vaguely recall you did some changes that were aimed at making customization of the main page easier? I think using css? If you could give me a quick overview of that or point me in the direction of the thread where that is detailed I would appreciate it...
I found the post in your Development log about customizing the home page, it states:
Custom colored Home pages are now more easily accessible from the webui and saved between linkmeter versions.

Just override styles in the "User CSS" webui page
#content { background: #000; border: 1px solid #467; }
#backimage { background: #000 url('http://capnbry.net/~bmayland/fi/bbq/fire-hd.png'); }
#backoverlay { background: inherit; }
#probelist { background: rgba(100, 50, 50, 0.85); }
.pname { color: #fff; }
#fanl { color: #fff; }
#fancontainer { background: #333; }
#navcontainer ul { padding: 0; }
#navcontainer li { width: 150px; padding-right: 15px; }
#navcontainer li a { display: inline-block; width: 125px; }

The problem is I can't figure out what to do with that information! LOL Where do I find the "User CSS" webui page in the file structure?
In the code you shared above, you have the background image loading from a web URL, how would I get the background image to load from the SD card? I tried:

#backimage { background: #000 url('<%=resource%>/fire.jpg'); }


#backimage { background: #000 url('/www/luci-static/resources/fire.jpg'); }

but neither seemed to work to load the local file I had been using previously.
It's not so easy to find but I don't think a ton of people will me doing it (PROVE ME WRONG, PEOPLE!) so I didn't think it warranted a full navigation tab. Maybe part of HeaterMeter LIVE can be a user-submitted CSS theme gallery too?

While I'm here, what should "Blower Output" be now that it can be servo/blower and blower might not even go to 100%? I've seen someone mention "Air Volume" but I'm not totally behind that verbiage. Any other suggestions before the v11 cutoff?

