Winner Winner Chicken Dinner


Chad M.

TVWBB Super Fan
I joined my buddy's BBQ team (Uncle Gus) last year and have helped them out in a few competitions. We competed at the Wildwood Missouri BBQ Bash this weekend and I handled the chicken category all on my own (new recipe, prep, cooking, turn-in) for the first time.

This is what we turned in (boneless thighs):


This is what we won:


It was quite a thrill for me. Almost surreal. They've been competing for about three years and have never had any calls. We also took 10th place in Brisket out of about 80 or 90 teams (not sure on the actual total yet, but it's a big competition).


We also turned in pork, ribs, chicken wings (People's Choice), filet mignon with huge shrimp (6-count, massive; Chef's Choice), chili, and a cast-iron apple pie cheesecake. No other calls. Also sold a ton of food over the weekend so on top of a 1st Place and another call, we covered our expenses and actually made a little money. Exhausting and a little chaotic at times, but very fun. One of the best weekends I've ever had.

I owe much if not all of the credit to the tips and advice I've received from so many of you on this website. Two years ago I didn't even know what a WSM was, and now I'm cooking food that my family loves and is apparently award-worthy! Thank you all for your posts and information. This website has literally changed my life, and I'm much better for it. Thanks again.

Best to you.
Wow, that chicken looks fantastic! Congrats on your first place trophy.

The brisket looks great as well.
Wow, super looking stuff! The chicken is so uniform and has a beautiful color on it. The brisket is amazing. I've not tried to make brisket yet, but you guys are sure making a superb product there.
Sorry we didn't get to meet up at the Bash but congratulations on 1st in chicken...a category we always struggle with. Your entry looks great...makes me hungry.

We did really well this year. After four years of never receiving a single call in any category, we were Reserve Grand Champions...go figure. I was 2nd in ribs on my WSM and my son got 1st in brisket. We also got 2nd in dessert.

I know your was surreal.

Patio Pros
Just a P.S.

Your brisket presentation really looks great. I particularly like the way you presented the slices.

Patio Pros
Good job! I am always impressed with the attention to detail on comp chicken cooks. I don't think I'd have the patience to do well in that category.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Congratulations, Mike, on all your calls and the RSG! Way to go!

