Wingettes On The WSM


Bob Mann

TVWBB Honor Circle
Cooked some wingettes on my 18 1/2" WSM.
Marinated them in olive oil, soy sauce, white wine and garlic powder.
I cooked them at 350F for about an hour.
They were juicy and tasty!

On the WSM.

Getting there.

Pot o' wings.

Beer o' the day.
Bob, not sure why you place the wings in the pot after cookin':confused: but if you remove the waterpan from your WSM, you'll crisp the daylights outta your flappers and cut your cook in half.
awww, nevermind, they look GREAT!
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Wow, it's been awhile since I've done some wings. Yours looks fantastic!!!!!!! I'll have to pick some up at the store tomorrow, and makes some myself!

