Whoops! Anyone else ever do this?

Grilled some chicken tonight that had a bunch of pesto etc on it. When I pulled the chicken off, I turned the 3 burners up to High "just to burn off some of the gunk left on the grates". Of course I was going to take the chicken in and then come out a few mins later to turn it off.

Fast forward a few hours, after dinner and talking and cleaning and walking the dog. Heading out to put the cover on the grill and, oh damn, did I leave the burners on a couple hours ago? Grill was cold. Burners on high. Gas tank empty. Nice area of white ash on the stainless grates where that pesto used to be.

Oh well....off to the U-Haul tomorrow to refill the tank. Damn
Just be glad that you keep the grill relatively clean and free of grease accumulation. Hopefully, away from the house and other structures too. NEVER operate a grill unattended for more than a few minutes unless every precaution has been taken. In this case, a grease fire could have done some serious damage if the grill was too close to flammables, structural or other.
I guess I'm just a rule follower.

But I also store a spare cylinder in the garage.

So I have room for growth and improvement. :D
I've always turned off the grill and tank right before I move away with the finished food. I also keep a few extra tanks in the garage, never thinking about it. An old playhouse converted into a storage shed is the new plan, plenty of air movement in there!
I also keep filled tanks in the garage but it is well ventilated and is a standalone structure. I wish I had the patience to stick with charcoal but I don't.
Worried about my memory doing me in, I always shut off the grill when I'm done cooking. I also shut off the tank valve and I "unload" the regulator (open a burner to relieve pressure on the regulator). I clean the grids at the next cook.
Worried about my memory doing me in, I always shut off the grill when I'm done cooking. I also shut off the tank valve and I "unload" the regulator (open a burner to relieve pressure on the regulator). I clean the grids at the next cook.
That's really not advisable. Because next time you turn the tank on you risk tripping the OPV. Better to leave the pressure there. Causes no harm at all
That's really not advisable. Because next time you turn the tank on you risk tripping the OPV. Better to leave the pressure there. Causes no harm at all
Thats just stupid advise.... I shut off the tank EVERY time I'm done grilling and open it EVERY time I start it up again ---- I've NEVER had it trip.
Stop trying to scare people into leaving a 'live' tank on the grill. Go ahead and let a slow leak or a partially shut valve drain your tank.... especially if you are not using it regularly.
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No need for hostility. I never intimated leaving the tank open if you don't want to. No need to jump my a$$ over something you misinterpreted!
How is that any different than a NG grill? Do NG grill users shut off the gas line every time they get done using the grill?
I would hope so.... it only makes sense.
If I had a NG line I'd be closing the valve at the stub after every cook too.
But thats just me.....
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That wasn't hostility --- I just called you out for posting BS......
Again, it WAS hostile and it wasn't BS and I did not tell the op to leave the tank on! And it's not BS! How many times do we see someone on here wondering why their grill won't come to temp due to a tripped OPV? A lot! Simple way to avoid is turn off burners, turn off tank. Done. Next time turn on tank, turn on burners. Then there is no "void" in the line to fill when the tank is opened. And the grill/OPV will operate normally.
My not turning off the valve is a PERSONAL choice, a few others do as well.
Thats just stupid advise.... I shut off the tank EVERY time I'm done grilling and open it EVERY time I start it up again ---- I've NEVER had it trip.
Stop trying to scare people into leaving a 'live' tank on the grill. Go ahead and let a slow leak or a partially shut valve drain your tank.... especially if you are not using it regularly.

There is no "right" way or wrong way, or "stupid" way or smart way. This is an opinion, everybody has their own. Don't be disrespectful by telling people their advice is stupid. Larry, ( with nearly 20,000 posts compared to your 400) , has helped a lot of people here and has earned the respect of this community.
I admit to leaving my tank open much of the time. But then I think about the time one of my regulator hoses burst at night emptying a whole LP tank, fortunately causing no harm except to my wallet.

Since I often still leave mine open, I will agree that it is more preference than anything, since either way has issues. I might feel differently if I could store my daily driver grills in the garage or other closed area.
Yep, and it sure cleans the grates. Almost did it last week but remembered right after we ate and turned it off. Luckily it was on indirect low.
I left them burning off 1 time, now it all gets shut off and cleaned before every cook, also if you have cast iron grates they are less likely to rust if you leave the grease on after cooking, I hate cast iron grates and switched my spirit many years ago to SS. found my paperwork on it yesterday while looking for my military folder. bought in 2011 so Performer is a few years older I think.
I’ve gotten into the habit of pulling off food, giving a quick scrape and shutting it down right away. However I’m sure once winter comes I’ll be breaking that habit.

Last time I did corn on the cob I left the sideburner on for about 45 minutes.

