Whoops! Anyone else ever do this?



Grilled some chicken tonight that had a bunch of pesto etc on it. When I pulled the chicken off, I turned the 3 burners up to High "just to burn off some of the gunk left on the grates". Of course I was going to take the chicken in and then come out a few mins later to turn it off.

Fast forward a few hours, after dinner and talking and cleaning and walking the dog. Heading out to put the cover on the grill and, oh damn, did I leave the burners on a couple hours ago? Grill was cold. Burners on high. Gas tank empty. Nice area of white ash on the stainless grates where that pesto used to be.

Oh well....off to the U-Haul tomorrow to refill the tank. Damn
Chris, just count it as a thorough burnoff. Anyway, I had done that a few times before. Now I have a grill on NG and I am soooo worried I am going to leave it on for a couple days. While I hate using covers, I have decided I will simply because if I ever notice the cover not on, that likely means it needs to go on or quite possibly I left the grill on the last time I used it.
This is the very reason that I ALWAYS turn off the tank at the end of a cook. I deal with the mess the next day or the next time I fire up the grill.
One drained tank was enough for me to learn.

I keep forgetting with the kettle to scrape the grate while its still hot and the food is resting - it has a tendency to sit longer without being used than the gasser does.
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Once was enough for me. I'm just not comfortable leaving a running grill unattended, anyway.
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This is the very reason that I ALWAYS turn off the tank at the end of a cook. I deal with the mess the next day or the next time I fire up the grill.
One drained tank was enough for me to learn.

I keep forgetting with the kettle to scrape the grate while its still hot and the food is resting - it has a tendency to sit longer without being used than the gasser does.
Having done similar to Chris in his pesto story, I learned to do the same as you!
Haha sounds like I'm at least not alone in my forgetfulness

Sounds like many of you did it once and hopefully I will be the same. I've actually done it a couple times before where I meant to leave it on High for a couple minutes and then remember as we are sitting down to eat, maybe 10 mins later, but this was my first time truly just leaving it for a couple hours

I think the fact that it was dark out contributed to the problem. Usually when it's light I will catch some smoke out of the corner of my eye and be like Oops gotta turn off the grill.

Anyway like others above, I think I'm going to change my SOP to just shut off the grill right when I take food off and do a burn when preheating next time. Luckily this time I was probably only at 1/4 or 1/3 tank so I didn't waste huge amounts of propane, but yeah the idea of having the grill sitting there for hours at 700 degrees or whatever isn't a great thing, putting aside the wastefulness of the gas
Yep, I have too.
This is one of the many uses for my Thermapen TimeStick. (Of course, any timer would work.)
It usually sounds the alarm just about the time I am ready to take my first bite. :) But I don't mind, it beats the alternative.

Even that's not fool proof, tho. Just a couple weeks ago, the timer went off just as my Mother needed help with something.
I shut it off, went to help her... and remembered the grill about 3 hours later. :sneaky:
Been there, done that.

I now set a 10 minute timer on my phone or kitchen oven so I don't forget to go back outside, turn off the burners and the tank valve, and brush the grates.
Wonder if those new " smart " gassers can be set up with a reminder.
Or just ask alexa or google.
I never turned my tanks off. Except on the grill I kept in the garage. Oddly the only time(s) I've ever forgotten was with nat gas ones. I guess I was more attentive with LP than NG
I never turned my tanks off.
I never turn my tank off either

I guess I'm just a rule follower.
WARNING: Turn off the gas supply at the gas cylinder (tank) after use.

But I also store a spare cylinder in the garage.
WARNING: LP tanks must be stored outdoors out of the reach of children and must not be stored in a building, garage, or any other enclosed space.
So I have room for growth and improvement. :D

