Who uses Blue Bag Kingsford??

That odd, because I have used the Kingsford Competition Briqs in my drum so far, and have had no problems with ash getting pulled up onto the meat. Hopefully I won't have a problem with this either.

And I do agree with the BBK being readily available and consistent. That's a definite plus.

Strickly blue Kingsford... I have used the comp briquettes for a quick light when refreshing the fire/heat... only use woodcoal for the cowboy steaks, no ash when dropping the ribeyes on the glowing ciders.
I have use nothing but the blue.
I haven't had any issues with ashes, and it burns very steady and great for long smokes.

Also look for great specials to stock up. Lowes just had a buy one get one free on the 18 lb bags. Great value to get 2 bags for about $7.50 and they run these values on big holiday and special promos.
Originally posted by BMKindoll:
So for everybody that uses it, can you tell a difference, taste-wise, in your food when cooked with lump as opposed to Kingsford BB?

Can definitely taste the BBK. I tend to lightly season/salt my food. Used BBK on my first few cooks and could taste something like "fuel/petro" residue. Gave the rest of my BBK away. I've since gone to Rancher briquettes and Mesquite lump; very clean tastes/flavors and *MUCH* less ash. Still need to find some WGC in my area.
...so I'm like the only compK user in this thread? Hmm. You Blue Bag Boys gotta try this stuff. Very consistent, very tasty, very low ash.

I started on the BBK and switched over to CompK right when it first came out. Now it's all I will buy. I especially like the fact that I don't get the black smoke when it's in the chimney. Starts clean and burns clean with less ash than the BBK.

Actually thanks for the reminder, I'm out and there's a competition this weekend.

i much prefer the flavor of the compK to the bbk but on my leaky wsm the comp burns out in max 9 hrs, whereas i always get 14+ using bbk. so now i only use the comp for shorter high heat cooks.
Hmm...I didn't see any compk on my last visit to Costco, but I am heading their tomorrow night for some butts so I will check again.
i visit wal mart regularly. for a long time they don't have k comp, then monday i go and they have it. seems its a hit and miss thing in certain areas. costco hasn't had it in a loooong time.
kingsford blue is easy. i have tried lump and all sorts of fuels cant tell the diff tween any of em taste wise from one thing to the next. i stick with kingsford. its easier to use than messing with lump.
I used to use lump exclusively for indirect and direct grilling.

When I got the Performer I started using it more that the older bbq, and at $20 a bag for lump it was adding up. Started experimenting with k and find it very consistent, and easy to handle and measure. Also more economical.

It does produce more ash than lump but the kettle design manages that real well. I would love to try compk, if I could ever find the stuff. Maybe have to take a trip into Montana to find some.

So I save the lump for direct grilling nice steaks and k for everything else.
I know a lot of competition smokers rely on the blue bag because of its consistence with heat and you can pick it up almost anywhere. But for me, lump when I can.
I have used regular Kingsford, Competition Kingsford, Stubbs and Cowboy lump.

I would like to experiment more with lump but the way the stock folks handle it at Lowes, Home Depot,etc it ends up being tiny pieces of stuff when I open he bag.

For the most part it's blue bag for me.

