Who can use a laugh today? Look within.


JKim in MA

"Perfect shape!"




Other than the wobbly legs that are missing the crossover brace supports:rolleyes:

and the broken lid endcaps :rolleyes::rolleyes:

and the cracked work table and the broken caster.... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

That lid must be a joy to open and close with that awesome handle arrangement.
That handle has me all confused. It looks way too long for that grill, broken end caps or not.

Somehow, I don't think this guy has a realistic concept of the phrase "perfect condition"

Interestingly, I think the internals on this grill are worth more than the grill itself.
This grill has been for sale for ages - I am not far from him.

You'll notice the corners are broken off of the sides of the lid.

There are better condition grills out here in MA for free...

I just keep laughing every time I see it!
I'd give $25 for it to use as a parts grill. I would like to have the
side burner and manifold. Knobs are good, and at least one big wheel is
Yah, I keep seeing the same grills being relisted over and over all summer long. One guy must have relisted his $10 smokey Joe a dozen times over a three month period. He either gave up or sold it now. Another guy keeps relisting an orange kettle with a chicken on it. I think that has been relisted over 20 times since I can't remember when.
If he was giving it away for free or even $25-30, I would have already gone to get it as it really is close to me.

It was originally listed at $80 (at least when I found it) and the picture was taken of it under some kind of covered area in the shade, with a bush or vine growing quite close to it.

At least now he has clear pictures of it.
Chances are great that the guy is a member here, WKC, or maybe both.
He and about 10,000 others of us are all looking for those same kettles. LOLOL!!
While at first glance that seems out of line, it is not a bad deal. He could actually likely get $30 to $40 if
he sold the pieces separately. I have sold bowls for $25 before. I also just sold 2 old lids for $20 each to
guys that use them for lids on the Ugly Drum Smokers. Sold one last year for that also. One man's trash .....

Yes Dave I built a UDS years ago and yes there would be people looking for the lids so not surprised you got the 20 bucks for them you may have gotten 30. It depends on the drum some of them have a different circumference mine in ATL they had had a drum manufacturer down here I got a new one for $25 dollars so it needed nothing in the way of cleaning. Walmart had a knockoff kettle at the time not sure they still have it but it had a hinged lid which was a big deal to me just flip it open and pretty sure it was $25 bucks at the end of the season so I bought it. Was lucky it fit the drum I had so was able to use the lid and hinge on the UDS.

You know whats crazy there were a lot of bolts and nuts that were actually stainless in that kit so have used them over the years.
While at first glance that seems out of line, it is not a bad deal. He could actually likely get $30 to $40 if
he sold the pieces separately. I have sold bowls for $25 before. I also just sold 2 old lids for $20 each to
guys that use them for lids on the Ugly Drum Smokers. Sold one last year for that also. One man's trash .....

I now know what it's for. Scroll down about five pictures to see,

It is now down to $40 and closer its worth.

Old school cast iron grates that could likely be cleaned up and a side burner+side burner manifold, might be worth it for someone.

