I'm just getting started in some real BBQ cooking. I've settled on a Pit Barrel Cooker for my weapon of choice for dedicated smoker, thanks to ease of use and set and forget abilities coupled with tons of positive reviews.
Now I need to choose a Weber kettle to round out my options for most versatile setup. Stuck weighing the pros and cons of 22 vs 26 inch sizes. I plan to both grill and smoke with a slow n sear on the Weber. I had almost settled on the beautiful Ocean Blue Master Touch 22 inch, before I started to see people praising the 26. I originally thought that would be bigger than I need. It's just my wife and me, and of course, the occasional friends over for dinner (which may increase when I start cooking more seriously!)
Let's say the PBC part of the equation is settled, that I'll get it now or eventually to complete my setup. Which kettle would you pair it with? I probably can't afford to buy everything all at once brand new right now... so this is either a two-phase purchase plan, or one new and a hunt for a used deal on the other.
Also: if I go with the 26 inch Weber, which Slow n Sear version do you think is best bang for your buck? Original 1.0 version for $60, 2.0/deluxe for $100 with removable water pan for a little extra searing capacity, or the giant and expensive XL at $150?
I know this is a hopelessly subjective question that really depends on personal circumstances and preferences, but I'd very much like your highly opinionated and subjective insights!
What would you do with about $500 to spend right now for the whole rig? I need thermometers too!
Man, that ocean blue MT is so pretty, I think if they made the 26 in ocean blue, I'd just spring for that right now and hold off on the PBC.
Now I need to choose a Weber kettle to round out my options for most versatile setup. Stuck weighing the pros and cons of 22 vs 26 inch sizes. I plan to both grill and smoke with a slow n sear on the Weber. I had almost settled on the beautiful Ocean Blue Master Touch 22 inch, before I started to see people praising the 26. I originally thought that would be bigger than I need. It's just my wife and me, and of course, the occasional friends over for dinner (which may increase when I start cooking more seriously!)
Let's say the PBC part of the equation is settled, that I'll get it now or eventually to complete my setup. Which kettle would you pair it with? I probably can't afford to buy everything all at once brand new right now... so this is either a two-phase purchase plan, or one new and a hunt for a used deal on the other.
Also: if I go with the 26 inch Weber, which Slow n Sear version do you think is best bang for your buck? Original 1.0 version for $60, 2.0/deluxe for $100 with removable water pan for a little extra searing capacity, or the giant and expensive XL at $150?
I know this is a hopelessly subjective question that really depends on personal circumstances and preferences, but I'd very much like your highly opinionated and subjective insights!
What would you do with about $500 to spend right now for the whole rig? I need thermometers too!
Man, that ocean blue MT is so pretty, I think if they made the 26 in ocean blue, I'd just spring for that right now and hold off on the PBC.