Which bbq grill ?

Colby, thats great, As I said earlier I have an E320 NG and just love it wish I would have done it years ago. No messing with propane bottles any more except for the Q which I just use in the winter so a 20 lb bottle last over a year. I do like my performer for longer cooks, but the gasser is so much easier for a quick cook.
Good luck with your new grill.
"I have sinned terribly when I was younger and cooking with charcoal.
I would pile it high and torch it off with petroleum-based starting fluid....yikes !
Then I would merrily flip burgers and hot dogs over the inferno !

To top it off I have sent a perfectly good 22.5" and a Smokey Joe to the dump.
I hope someone rescued them.

Yes, I have sinned and I repent every day !"

For your penance my son, say 6 Hail Marys' 10 Our Fathers' and the Rosary 5 times :-)
Yes, and I promise to never go back to my twisted ways.

Crap crap crap the natural gas one I'm picking up tonight is a silver genesis 2 burner like brand new seriously everything looks brand new but another guy will sell me a 3 burner red that works fine for 50 bucks propane grill what to do??!!
Well nobody called in time and after seeing all the restoration threads and hearing mixed views about the natural gas aspect and losing the portability of your grill I decided to go propane and because it was 50 bucks and in surprisingly good shape flavorizer bars are year old burners look new all 3 of them it has been used a lot by another forum member but I didn't get to talk to him just his wife the wood had been replaced and it's a redhead she believed from 98 plan to tear it down thoroughly clean it paint the grill pit where it's chipped on the outside stain and varnish the wood and put it to work thanks for everyone's help I'll start my rebuild thread soon
I would have made the same choice. Does this have the 13 flavorizer bars? Seriously, a tank of LP lasts quite a while. Have a spare tank and running out mid cook is no big deal. Congrats and lookin' forward to the clean up.
Yes it has the 13 bars and 3
Burner and I just got a brand new 40 or 50 pound LP tank given to me by my Dad
Well there you go, I have the same grill which is now retired to roto duty only. Bought it new in 1997 and it has performed very well. Parts are easy to find and with the 13 flavorizer bars flare ups seldom if ever happen. For the money you got the best of the best!
Hmm... I must have gotten some bad information. They must have meant $3.89 per GALLON, not pound.
So $1.00 worth of propane would give you 22,429 BTU's vs. charcoal's 36,000.
Charcoal is still cheaper on sale, but not by nearly as much as I stated earlier.

Since the OP was complaining about the COST of charcoal grilling vs propane, I wanted to point out that charcoal is cheaper and one shouldn't buy a gas grill to save money.
Greg charcoal isn't cheaper whichever way you look at it unless it's in some perfectly stable grill that uses a specific amount each time you cook
I'm sorry if I came off as condescending, but I cannot tell from your (or anyone else's) username how experienced you are. I still think that charcoal can be cheaper than propane, but it's probably not as cheap as natural gas, depending on where you live and how much you use each month, the time of year, etc.

Anyway, we can agree to disagree and if I ever get up your way I'll be happy to buy you a beer (charcoal filtered, of course).
Greg Y;565801...Since the OP was complaining about the COST of charcoal grilling vs propane said:
Good point, especially given the price of quality gas grills. Other than safety concerns for a wooden deck, folks generally buy gas grills for one reason: convenience.
Picked up the quality genesis 3 burner for 50 bucks compared to the 50 I spent on my kettle so not any more expensive you like Craigslist And Id buy you a few beers as we'll I just know I've spent several times what I spent on propane last year in charcoal in just 5 months
Yeah honestly I find gas (any type) cheaper overall to use than charcoal, but than I buy only hardwood lump, one bag at a time since I hardly ever have the time to use charcoal and I never use briquettes (which are significantly cheaper than hardwood) but cheap or not I can't stand the smell so only hardwood in my kettles.
When all my grilling was done on my 3 BGE Eggs, I found BGE lump to be the best and most consistant in size and quality. That stuff was about $1.00/pound. Wow, talk about expensive but the quality made it worth it over lesser quality lump.

Now, I use mostly NG on my Genesis. An incredible savings over the cost of lump. However, it comes at a loss in flavor but a big plus in convenience, cleanliness and time savings.

I cook on the grill 4-5 times/week year around and the $$ savings are substantial. I believe LP costs about 2-3 times NG per BTU so the savings would not be as great but still there over lump.

