Where's YOU'RE Mind?

I think you mean YOUR but, I get the gist.
I tend to think more about sealing in juices in a cook (as the article states) more in the afternoon but, I don't think about it anywhere near as often as they claim.
Strange publication to say the least.
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Two things.
The Onion is a satirical web magazine.
Meat juices don't get "sealed in" no matter how many cooks, supposed chefs, cooking shows, etc say they do.
I think you mean YOUR but, I get the gist.
I tend to think more about sealing in juices in a cook (as the article states) more in the afternoon but, I don't think about it anywhere near as often as they claim.
Strange publication to say the least.

You are correct Tim. That's what I get for typing before the coffee has kicked in.
Two things.
The Onion is a satirical web magazine.
Meat juices don't get "sealed in" no matter how many cooks, supposed chefs, cooking shows, etc say they do.

I absolutely agree Bob. I just found it somewhat interesting/funny.
SAID BOB CORRELL: The Onion is a satirical web magazine.

no kidding....? one of my favourites reads from THE PAPER:

Taking advantage of the warm spring weather Monday, Vice President Joe Biden parked his 1981 Trans Am in the White House driveway, removed his undershirt, and spent a leisurely afternoon washing the muscle car and drinking beer.

"This baby just needs a little scrub down," said Biden, addressing a tour group as he tucked the sweat-covered top into the belt loop of his cutoff jean shorts. "Gotta get her looking good so I can impress the chicks when I'm cruising down Pennsylvania [Avenue]."

White House aides said that Biden pulled into the driveway shortly before noon, the chorus of Night Ranger's "(You Can Still) Rock In America" blaring from his car's stereo.
According to witnesses, Biden spent several minutes maneuvering the Trans Am into the perfect spot, and was observed drumming his fingers on the steering wheel until the song came to a close.

by the way, i believe The Onion is still available in the printed format.

