When you live in a small town

I tell people that we don't have traffic jams, we have tractor jams. I've followed 3 combines towing 40+' headers through the middle of town.
I like living remote.
It is kinda like Mayberry in a way.
I’m 4 miles from a town that has 100 residents and 12 miles from a town of 7,000 people.

I was putting Washington plates on my truck the other year (because it wouldn’t pass the California smog test even though it ran perfectly fine. I think California just doesn’t want 20 year old trucks on the road anymore.)
Anyways my wife thought I did something wrong on the paperwork because I came back with less papers than I left with.
So she calls the licensing office and the lady that answered the phone said “oh Andy, I helped him myself and told him that the papers would be mailed to him. He must have forgot “.

Yeah that’s right I’m on (or was) first name bases with the license Lady and her office even answers their phone.
There wasn’t even a waiting line.
Try getting service like that in California .

