When you come to the end of a not very good day...


Timothy F. Lewis

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
You still need to eat!
I looked into my “Fridge full of nothing” and just decided that it was time to use some of that to good use!
Leftover chicken from Saturday night, some medium shells from the pantry, spinach, fresh Basil from the the garden.
Didn’t suck, needs tweaking but, that was as creative as I could manage today,
About 40 minutes on the Genny, ten to rest.
Timothy, so sorry you had such a bad day. I hope things will be better tomorrow.

As far as your dinner, at least you had some nice healthy spinach. ;)
Well, the day came to an end and I woke up today so, it must not have been the end. I need to do something more interesting today, it’s starting out less than perfectly. Set up the coffee but failed to remember to put grounds in the basket last night! Waiting for the wonderful waft of that first cup of coffee which never came! What a boob!
I’m a whole cup down from normal intake but, I will get through it.
The sure sign of a great chef is their ability to "throw something together based on what is available" and you definitely made the grade.
Casserole looks great to me! Seems like you turned a lemon of a day into lemonade.

But the coffee situation? That is a REAL disaster! OMG 😲 That will take some overcoming. :D
(In case you can't tell, I am worthless without my coffee.)
Thanks Mike, that’s very kind.
Yeah, it was crazy wanting a cup and only having a pot of hot water!
I have had the gumption to polish up the WSM lid and tidied up the kettles for smoke day! Probably will use them at least three times before Saturday anyway but, it’s good to get off my lazy duff and do something!
I'll trade with ya Tim. We are in the prosses of replacing all the tile and carpeting in the house. They stared last week and another week to go.
Of course the second day I wake up at 2:30 am and can't breath, so Barb takes me to the ER , where I diagnosed with acute bronchitis. Cause, more than likely the grinding of the old kwik set to level the floor for the new tile and the 30mph+ winds the last three days blowing all the pollen around.
The house has literally a 1/8 thick layer of dust throughout.
I'm coughing my brains out with no relief in site.
At least the coffee machine worked right after I found it.




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Rich, glad you found the cause of the breathing issue, not necessarily that that helps but, when the dust settles you can get back to more normal life.
Can you get away from the dust from time to time? Go see a movie?
Rich, glad you found the cause of the breathing issue, not necessarily that that helps but, when the dust settles you can get back to more normal life.
Can you get away from the dust from time to time? Go see a movie?
Yeah that was scary as hell, my oxygen level was at 72% which is non sustainable. I normally run a bout 94-95% on room air and with 3 liters of Oxygen was only 84%. After they drugged me up I was up to 92 % on room air and they released me at 6:30 am.
With Barb working I have to be here or the contractors aren't allowed to work without a homeowner on site. I try to stay outside as much as I can.
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And that doesn't help? So sorry.
When grinded the kwik set is almost like smoke it's so fine. We covered every thing and blocked off the bedrooms with the doors shut and tarps sealing the door openings and they are at the back of the house. When they were done we had tons of dust inside the dresser drawers! That S**t can get into everything. Unbelievable! I'm sure when this is over it will take us months to get the mess completely cleaned up.
We have been taking the dogs to a kennel with day care while the guys are working. Both of them have now developed coughs from the dust.
Our black lab came home last evening and flopped down on the living room rug, when she got up she was a concrete gray color.
Fortunately all the grinding is over and the tile is going down now. Two more days and then the carpet guys come in and by the end of next week it will be done. Three weeks of total chaos.
Really not looking forward to two months of cleaning though.
Rich, if I was closer, I’d just tell you and Barb to stay with us! The two months of “dust reclamation” isn’t going to be great for you so, be as careful as you can.
Thanks everyone for the offers and kind words. The guys are packing up for the day and it wasn't too bad today. My meds are getting the lungs working again and there wasn't much wind outside either so that helped. I had a mask on all day which I should have been doing before, I did have one on but not all the time before....my bad, lesson learned.
The house is a complete mess but Barb and I will get it back into good shape. It's like eating an elephant you do it one bite at a time.

