What's Schmokin'/Cookin' This Weekend?

Everything looks great.


That pulled pork makes my mouth water and I don't even have any cooked PP in my freezer.

Good job fellas
Tim, Montreal smoked meat is similar to pastarmi, but in my opinion, much better! It is just a cured brisket, typically injected. It has all of the fat left on the brisket and is smoked. THere are a few excelent deli's in Montreal that serve sandwiches. The only one I can remember right now is Schwartz's although there are a few. Check out there web site.

No one seems to really know exactly how to make but Shawn has posted his method here and it is excellent. It started as a wet brine and he has moved to the injection method. I'm sure he'll weigh in with a little more but I highly recomend his methods with this!

Originally posted by Clark Deutscher:
Tim, Montreal smoked meat is similar to pastarmi, but in my opinion, much better! It is just a cured brisket, typically injected. It has all of the fat left on the brisket and is smoked. THere are a few excelent deli's in Montreal that serve sandwiches. The only one I can remember right now is Schwartz's although there are a few. Check out there web site.

No one seems to really know exactly how to make but Shawn has posted his method here and it is excellent. It started as a wet brine and he has moved to the injection method. I'm sure he'll weigh in with a little more but I highly recomend his methods with this!

Ya, MSM is a smoked brisket, predominant flavors are dill, garlic, pepper ... sliced and piled high on fresh rye, eat with cheap yellow mustard and a sour pickle. The meat is moist and oh so tender and the fat is scrumptious.

If you love brisket and you're ever in Montreal you MUST go to Schwartz's Deli, plan on eating there at least twice
. In fact why wait, book yourself a weekend mini-vacation to Montreal today!
When I was there they had a grill going as well and were cooking over Maple Leaf Lump.

I'm still working on my recipe and Kevin is helping too ... got a decent flavor ... just working on tenderness factor ATM, first attempts were dry cure, now I'm doing a pump brine cure.
Great looking plate there Bill!

I did my bagels and butts, but the MSM is on hold till Sunday.

50%WW Bagels Earlier this year:
Originally posted by Larry Wolfe:
...Shawn, please post pic's of the bagels and Montreal beef!! Gosh I'd love to be able to make bagels.......
Bagel recipe and pics emailed, I did the MSM yesterday:

Before steam bath:

Piled high on Rye:

My recipe thread is here if you want to know more.

