What's On The Menu....

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Bruce Bissonnette

What's everyone cooking for the big Holiday weekend? It's an overnight pork butt Saturday night for Sunday and ribs on Monday. It's gonna be goooooood!
Unfortunately it looks like a whole lot of rain this weekend here in the Boston area. I?m hoping to get decent enough weather to do a couple of briskets on Sunday.
Gary T.
I believe I'm gonna try some baby backs. They are on sale at Kroger's for $3.00/lb. An excellent buy around here. I'm thinking of doing BRITU and some dry ribs.
I'm doing a big ol' Turkey for my neighbors graduation party on Sunday and probably some Ribs on Monday for myself!
Can't wait...
For Sunday I am planning on a couple of racks of baby backs and a pork loin. It is going to be a big cookout and another family member has the beef and burgers covered.

Oh, and of course "Una mas cerveza, por favor!"
I'm thinking about doing a couple of pork butts and a corned beef flat. Maybe a few pieces of chicken. I know we have salmon on sale locally so I might smoke some of that too.
Probably a couple of chickens, and I'm hoping to do two salmon fillets for the fish lovers in my life.

Happy Memorial Day everyone,
I haven't done brisket in a while, and I just started Atkins (which means I have eaten through my bbq reserves in the freezer!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif ) So, this weekend, I plan to throw a brisket on Friday evening, and have some for lunch on Sat. I have a couple of new seasoning ideas to try out, so maybe I'll have to cook two! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Good thing I have the ability to cook through the night. I'm Mr Mom this weekend, so I won't have time to fiddle with the smoker much during the day.

Great weekend to everyone!

Rich G.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rich G (RWC Q'er):
[qb] I haven't done brisket in a while, and I just started Atkins (which means I have eaten through my bbq reserves in the freezer!! /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif ) So, this weekend, I plan to throw a brisket on Friday evening, and have some for lunch on Sat. I have a couple of new seasoning ideas to try out, so maybe I'll have to cook two! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Good thing I have the ability to cook through the night. I'm Mr Mom this weekend, so I won't have time to fiddle with the smoker much during the day. [/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Why on earth did you start Atkins? You're a bean-pole already!

Good luck with the briskets. Make sure you stabilize your WSM. Wouldn't want that to tip over or anything...
/infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

We're heading to Monterey this weekend to take the boy to the aquarium. I'm bringing a cooler with me just in case one of the salmon boats is selling fresh whole salmon. In which case, I'll be smoking and grilling some salmon on Monday.

Have fun cooking everyone!
Competition on Saturday, so ribs, chicken, salmon and sausage. Will need to come up with something else for the rest of the weekend.
HJP said:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Why on earth did you start Atkins? You're a bean-pole already! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>You should know!! Actually, it's quite simple, lower back pain resulting from enlarged middle section, resulting from BBQ. Just need to drop a few pounds, and, the diet does make me feel better.

HJP said:
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Make sure you stabilize your WSM. Wouldn't want that to tip over or anything... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>That you could joke about such an emotionally painful experience saddens me. I'm at a loss for words. /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

Have a good weekend!

I'm so excited about this weekend!!

For the 1st time in 22 years, we are staying at home for the weekend! The weather is supposed to be upper 60's and sunny. We normally go to the in-laws, but not this year.

I just got my new WSM so will be putting it to use.

Here's the plan..................

2 Brisket flats...experiment using 2 techniques.

8 Pork Butts..I am catering a 300 person Graduation party in June so I am getting started on the pork butts.

Andouille, Texas Hot Links, tasso and some cudighi...about 30 lbs. total.

Fresh salmon...thanks to Tom C. for the recent fishing trip!

3 racks of ribs..again, testing some new recipes.

Trying to clone Dreamland BBQ Sauce.

All this and some fishin' too!

Hope you all have a great one! Jim, good luck in the contest!
Got a nice 5.5lb brisket flat I'm gonna smoke on race day. Probably a little grilling too.

The wife just informed me she wants ribs so it looks like a weekend of BBQ goin' down. Woohoo!

Have a great holiday everyone. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

God bless America.
I get to cook ribs, chicken, salmon and sausage at the same competition as Jim and I have pulled pork to cook for a customer on Sunday. Monday is free /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Home made sausage and eggs for Breakfast and Salmon for lunch followed by a nap.
what time you serving those Dreamland Ribs. They be my favorite restaurant for ribs in the south. Will be going to Alabama next month and plan on stocking up on sauce and eat a few while there.

I'm cooking up a dozen slabs or so for block party and also for aforementioned scientific test of ribs on Tuesday


I must say that I had Dreamland ribs once and I was not that impressed. HOWEVER, my wife brought them home from B'ham which is about a 1.5 hr drive so they were cold and had to be reheated. There is supposed to be one opening up in Huntsville and if it does, I'm gonna give them another shot.

Whereabouts in 'Bama are you going too? If you are near Decatur, who should also try Big Bob Gibson's. I have yet to try them myself but someday soon, I'm gonna make it over there.
I'm a-thinking of bringing back a nice 2lb lobster from Maine this Sunday to steam up on Monday. I'll probably thaw out and grill up some previously smoked beef tenderloin for the Mrs. Some potato salad, maybe some cole slaw as well. mmmmmm
Having my wife's family over this evening. Started a pork butt this morning at 7:00am using the renowned Mr. Brown recipe. I have three racks of BRITU going on at 12:30. Than on the weber kettle I an grilling three spachcocked chickens over applewood chips and lump. In NJ it is in the low 50's with the constant threat of rain just hope it holds off until after the chickens are done. Have a great weekend everybody!!!!
FedEx box a mudbugs jus arrive from bow-mekin buddy. Gotta hosum down and iceum up an den tro em in de pot wit de spice and de newtater and de corn. Aaiiieeeeee! I so happy. Where'd I put dat dam squeezebox?

Apologies to all cajun rebel boys--I just anxious to be one sometimes.
We're taking off all of next week, just to work around the house and play with the new offset, so I'll be cooking on one smoker or the other all week.

Definitely on the WSM schedule are BRITU, chicken halves, smoked cabbages, and the Brown Sugar Salmon from http://www.virtualweberbullet.com/salmon1.html at a separate time. THEN, after all these snacks, I'll figure out what I'm going to do for dinner. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

Keri C
Smokin' on Tulsa Time
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