Dan Crafton
TVWBB Member
I agree Bill. It will be pretty hard to get the meat done at those temps.
Wish we had a pic of you with your candle checking the smoker.
I plan on cooking some spares and butt chunks tomorrow.
Bill S. & Bob,
When I say 205-215 that is WSM dome temp reading. It is my understanding actual grate temp will be 30-40dg higher???
I have not invested in a remote external temp gage yet.
Bill S., hope you don't mind me jumping in on your post. I greatly overestimated my cooking time. My brisket is already in foil in a cooler and I got the point back on the smoker for burnt ends. I over slept and When I got up this morning my WSM dome temp read 240dg so lord only knows how hot the grate was. Most of the water in the pan had evaporated. I sure hope I didn't ruin it. My meat thermometer went into the flat pretty stiff and it read 192dg so I took it off.
I think I should restrict my posts to the new members area as I still don't know what I'm doing but have fun trying/learning. Good cooks wished for everyone....looks like a lot of butts & briskest being smoked today.