What to smoke this weekend?



New member
Hello again everyone,

I am looking for some suggestions on what to smoke for a dinner on Saturday evening. I have two coming for dinner, for a total of 4 people and am looking to show off the WSM (my cousin and his wife have a propane smoker that ruined his first and only smoke.

To date, I have smoked baby back ribs (on two occasions), a brisket, and 3 shoulders.

The shoulders turned out great, and the BRITU recipe on the 2nd time around was also awesome. Finally, the brisket was good, but not great.

Can you guys suggest anything that I should try this weekend? I am not against doing a shoulder for some pulled pork, as these are pretty bullet proof.

Should I try some chicken breasts? More ribs?

I appreciate any input you guys have.

Fred, +1 on above. I say do 2 meats, your choice. Pick your best recipes that you are comfortable with. I personally would do 1 beef dish and one white meat, either chicken or pork. If you want appetisers throw on a mess of ABTs, the crowd goes crazy. Good luck and let us know , with pics, what you chose.

Fred - The turkey suggested by Don is a great choice. If you want to go outside the box a bit, you might try the following:

Butt (with a Puerto-Rican/ or spanish style rub)
Get yourself some small tortillas for the pulled pork (like 4 inchers - you can get from a mexican grocery store - maybe even your local market, mine has 'em)
Do some ABT's (recipe can be found on thesmokering.com)
Spanish Rice & Beans, etc.
I'll tell you a VERY easy two meat combo:

Smoked turkey breast and pork butt.

I occasionally use the Ray Lampe (Dr. BBQ) recipe of making a batch of 'Bama white sauce and marinating the breast in half of it before smoking. The other half is for a sauce at the table. Just be sure to probe it and pull it no later than 160, and you can't go wrong. Also, it's so hot right now, so left over smoked turkey breast sandwiches with guacomole are awesome. You know what to do with the pork butt.
Fred a total of 4 adults, i would make 1 beer can chicken, 12 moink balls and 12 abt's. Or cook 2 beer can chickens u can save one for the next day, i like to pull all the meat off a cooked chicken and make chicken taco's delicious.
Beer can chicken is great. It's simple, you can modify/customize to your liking, and there's a bit of a "wow" factor.

Turkey is great, but it's tough to find anything not frozen this time of year. Mmmm...
Now I'm craving some poultry on the WSM.
If you're trying to show off the WSM, I'd go for Ribs (with a KK rub from the rubs forum) or a HH brisket.

When I'm having guests I usually try to cook something that I've already had success with. Even at 8 a.m. you should have an easy time with the ribs or a HH brisket for dinner. For people who really like smoke, I'll add apple chips at the end of a cook (45 min before the end) just to kick it up a notch.

