What do you like to inject with.


Edmund Caro

I was wondering what you all like to inject your pork butts with? I have been reading a few recipes and some like to add salt and some like to add vinegar, this is the recipe I'm thinking you're using.

1 cup Apple Juice
1 cup Water
1/2 cup Brown Sugar
1/2 cup Salt
1 TBS Soy Sauce
1 TBS Worcestershire Sauce

Should I add vinegar to this? Thanks
I bought stubs "chipotle butter" off the shelf and injected a pork butt with it. I have never injected before and got some great pulled pig. I will inject again! As a newbie to injecting I dont really have a recipe but I would recommend stubs as fast and easy.
I don't like adding vinegar to my injections. If the meat sits for more then a few hrs. It tends to start chemically cooking the meat
What injector do you guys prefer to use? I've never injected previously, but want to try, and need the tool. Any recommendation?

