What color is this lid?

I can make out all 6 very clearly. Is that a test for color blindness?
That's a basic test, yes. At the annual check up MAYBE I see one of the images correctly. Yet I feel like I actually, really do see in living color. Just can't pass the "test."
A couple of years ago, two college teams played each other. I don't remember who they were, but it might have been like an all-star game or something. One team wore green and the other wore red. I was totally annoyed the whole time I was watching as it seemed like I could tell the difference, as soon as the play started and the players intermixed, I could not tell who was who. I didn't realize it at the time, but it was due to red/green colorblindness. The next day there were reports of thousands of people calling in complaining about the same thing I experienced as they were red/green colorblind as well. While the game was on, I asked my daughter if she was having problems seeing who was who and she simply said "No, one team is green and the other is red". Ugggghhh.
Bruce, serious question, how does that work for traffic lights when you're driving? I would assume that there is some variance to where you can tell them apart somewhat?

Green on bottom and red on top. Or if sideways, the green is always on the right.
The thing that really bothers me about traffic lights is that some of the green ones blend in with street lights and other lights that it makes it hard to pick them out if they are green.
Green on bottom and red on top. Or if sideways, the green is always on the right.
The thing that really bothers me about traffic lights is that some of the green ones blend in with street lights and other lights that it makes it hard to pick them out if they are green.
Yes, I've researched this some because my son will one day be driving. It's scary. Green can look white when it's lit up to those who are color impaired (lets not call them color blind because they're not). Also, the red tail and brake lights can be hard for some to discern. There are glasses that help some folks. The main ones are from EnChroma. They work for some but not all. Another outfit that is much smaller but claims to have much more effective stuff is ColorLite. Certain optomitrists carry them and they can test people for a very modest fee.
I can relate, brother, having spent much of my life believing that "she's really hot" is a great reason to get married. Alas, I finally figured it out -- better late than never -- that character and what's on the inside are way more important than the exterior. Not that my third (and final) wife isn't attractive. She is. But we're middle aged, with all the outer limitations that implies. Yet our connection more than makes up for it. Her inner beauty is exquisite and we just grow closer with time. Eleven years now and going strong.
As my friend said:
Marry someone you like, or
Marry hot and a @itch.
But in a couple months you will be left with,
Just a @itch
As my friend said:
Marry someone you like, or
Marry hot and a @itch.
But in a couple months you will be left with,
Just a @itch
So true. After a while, if the relationship goes bad, one doesn't even notice how hot a woman is. Whereas a kind woman becomes more beautiful because of the connection. It's subtle, in my experience. Not hot but rather a soft and loving attraction that opens. Of course this is very personal to each of us and YMMV.

A friend of mine once said, "I got tired of cute and crazy. I decided to go for plain and sane." After years of looking for love in all the wrong faces, I took a page out of his book.
I got lucky and found a good 'un, I guess. You know that old couple bickering in the store over some obscure and inane item? That's us.

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I had a friend who was color blind. It led me to find out there are many different types.
He pulled night guard duty during the war. It seemed that certain color blindness had the advantage that you keep your night vision even after a bit of light.
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I had a friend who was color blind. C Pho me to find out there are many different types.
He pulled night guard duty during the war. It seemed that certain color blindness had the advantage that you keep your night vision even after a bit of light.
Seems like a good enough reason for me. Bruce, you got guard duty again. I'm gonna get some rest. :LOL:
I was fooled once as well. The reflection from the sky in the photo made it look like a blue lid and boy was I disappointed when I showed up and saw the black lid. Well I bought it anyhow since it was an almost unused Silver C.

