What can I expect using an Angle Grinder w/ a Wire Cup Wheel?

ah you are fine with your fancy Dewalt.....it will def get the job done. You will be surprised how fast a grinder can drain a modern lithium ion battery but still I think you will have time to get the cook box cleaned out for sure. The brush cups catch hard on some edges of the cook box and try to grab the grinder out of your hand....so be ready....hold on tight....and dont let your guard down. My grinder bloodied my up several times on my first few grills.....I learned my lesson......and the gloves I now wear take care of the times when I still get a lil careless.
Yah, angle grinders with wire brushes are dangerous. Eye protection is mandatory, gloves are mandatory. Breathing protection is mandatory. And any loose clothing will catch and wind up in the angle grinder with your hand still on the power button. I have the shirts to prove it as well as the road rash on the belly.
I echo all Bruce said. This is a fun hobby, but letting your guard down by skimping on safety equipment can put a quick end to that. Protect your eyes, lungs and hands especially.
Picked up a Dewalt Angle Grinder with a paddle switch like you suggested. I had been eyeballing it for while and it went on sale.
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Your right I did not like the slide switch on my Ridgid very much.
I noticed Dewalt also had one with a trigger switch. Will the paddle be better then the trigger.
I would think they are about the same since you must hold them pressed in order to operate the Angle Grinder
Samuel, I find the trigger style handle is smaller in diameter which is easier to wrap your hand around and more comfortable. It makes the whole grinder longer though and not as easy to get into smaller spaces. Not an issue on fireboxes for me. That Dewalt looks really nice though!
Well guys, You all's experience ended up being correct. I decided to go with all of your suggestions and get the Dewalt Corded Paddle Grip 11 amp Angle Grinder. I was able to cancel the other order of the Cordless one before it shipped so no problem there. I guess I had not reviewed this and research this enough before making my purchase. I apologize for my inexperience for I have no experience in using a wire cup brush with an Angle Grinder. Thanks for all of you all's advice. I ended up ordering this one for curbside pickup and will be getting this one today.
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Sam, that one will do the job. The other one would probably have worked fine too. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Remember the safety precautions.
Sam, that one will do the job. The other one would probably have worked fine too. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Remember the safety precautions.
Thanks as Always Bruce,
I like the idea of more run time and I like the power and reviews on this one. Heck it was was cheaper with all the advantages. Sometimes going cordless is not always that great.
No loss on the other Ridgid I originally owned. When I ordered the Ridgid it was suppose to come with a 5 amp battery, but when I arrived in the store to pick it up they said the battery got lost in shipping and they could not get that Octane battery anymore. So he ask if he reduced the price if I would still buy it. He reduced the price of the Angle Grinder to $12 and I said Ok. So if I sell it, I can still recoup some of what I invested in the Dewalt.

