Weed Burner


j biesinger

TVWBB Platinum Member
I've been thinking of switching my charcoal lighting technique from using a bayou classic propane stove and a chimney to a weed burner. I'm thinking it may be safer since a chimney can get pretty sparky on the stove and I won't have to transfer the hot coals.

It seems like the common source for weed burners is to "pick one up cheap at Harbor Freight." However, I asked at two different locations and both places looked at me strange when I said "weed burner."

I did some shopping online, but I just keep ending up at Red Dragon products, which look awesome, but are bit more than I want to spend for something to light charcoal.

I was hoping somebody could point me in the direction of a decent weed burner that won't break the bank.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Joe Abad:
Hey Mr. Biesinger try this link...

http://www.harborfreight.com/c...eed+burner&Submit=Go </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Agree.

In fact, this very subject came up several months ago and the OP got the $29.99 "Propane Torch" model from that Harbor Frieght link.

BTW, he reported they ain't kidding about that "turbo-blast trigger"!
J, I've got the one that Harbor freight sells for $30 w/ the push button igniter. I bought it a few years ago when I made my UDS, and it still works great.

Sometimes I use it to light my wsm, but you can run into problems if you like to bury all your wood in the charcoal.
You can buy a bunch of weber cubes for the price of a weed burner.
I use the wax coated cardboard at home. Never fails.
Well i use starter cubes myself for the chimney.

But i have a weed burner model xxs and it dont have the power to light it fast enough.

So if you go for the weed burner be sure to get one with power,or the money will be spent better elswere and you will still use your chimney(if you dont have alot of weed that is)
Thanks for all the input

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Hey Mr. Biesinger try this link...

http://www.harborfreight.com/c...eed+burner&Submit=Go </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Doh! I feel like Homer when he said "They have internet on computers now?"

anybody know how the connector works at the bottle end? I'm looking at getting a splitter so I can run my stove (which is female) for heating cooking water and the weed burner (which looks male).
J , I've tried it both ways,lighter cubes & weed burner .
The problem I had was my cooking area isn't covered & it was too much trouble to fetch the burner from the garage hook it up to light charcoal. Went back to lighter cubes & chimney.
i use a weed burner sometimes if i need to get some coals going super fast, but lately i've been reluctant to use it.

For two reasons:
1. it makes my lump charcoal pop and shoot hot embers all over the place. One landed on my foot and hurt. now i'm kinda freaked out AND scared of burning down my back deck.
2. i've been using little propane tanks and it eats through them considerably faster than the performers touch'n'go system.
Nobody just uses a piece or 2 of newspaper w/ the chimney any more? That's what I use and light the newspaper w/ a lighter or map gas plumbers torch.
The weed burner is somewhat of a hassel. As mentioned by Troy lump definately pops, and it pops a lot. I find it much easier to use a chimney with paper towels lighly soaked with vegetable oil.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Chris Mills:
Nobody just uses a piece or 2 of newspaper w/ the chimney any more? That's what I use and light the newspaper w/ a lighter or map gas plumbers torch. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
I put the chimney in my grill & got tired of dealing with all the ashes
Thanks for all the input! I was just looking for info on weedburners but since we're getting into justifications (which I wasn't planning on discussing) I give you my reasons.

I have a chimney that I use regularly on top of a propane stove. I know I could use paper or a starter cube but I'm impatient. I typically light charcoal in my driveway, in the mouth of my garage. I don't like to leave it unattended and when its below freezing, you can understand my rush. On the stove, lump pops like mad, shooting sparks and hot coals around the driveway. Also lump falls through the chimney and is all over the driveway. When I finally do transfer the hot coals, sparks go everywhere.

I now own a ceramic cooker, and I just want to be able to fill it with lump, torch it for a few minutes and let it get going on its own.
I really just want a Weed burner to see the looks on my neighbors faces. I really need to start taking pics of their faces at 8 AM when I am firing up the grill or smoker. They all think I am insane.
Have you pulled the trigger on the weed burner?? Ya, they are fast!!! Sounds like a jet taking off.......really attracks some attention......i have one, posted some pics here and there but you can get em started in 10 to 15 seconds a lot of time. Got mine from home depot....cheaped out the first time so money spent is money well spent. I also use it for starting large fires.....nothing like walking around a burn pile and having to back off from the heat within a minute or two.

