Bruce you are correct, the parts are expensive. Between the burners, bars, RCP grates last year and new parts this year I am easily $500 into it. I do feel like I have a new grill though and I would not be interested in a new Summit so this seemed a reasonable compromise to hopefully get another 10-15 years before the rust retires it for good.
Weber did help me out a lot on the parts so the cost was nearly cut in half. Sean from Weber has been great. He has helped me get my Smokefire in working order but it has been a long road with many replacement parts. I love the flavor of the food that comes off the Smokefire but until recently it has not been reliable.
The Summit is my Wisconsin winter workhorse. I love the ease and high temps. During my first run yesterday it easily reached over 700. We also love a chicken or pork roast on the rotisserie.
i will post some action shots but today is smoked wings on the smokefire.