Weber Silver A Cross Member Length?

I have done the swap thing a few time for rehab customers. I have also had several want me to rehab their grills, but I shy away from that. I would hate to take in a grill for rehab and then find the hidden gotcha, like a crack or hole in the cook box or big chip in the lid or whatever after we already agreed on a price. I would just be worried they didn't like it. I would rather sell them a similar, already rehabbed grill and just take in their grill as a "trade in" or donation.
Yah, I wouldn't pass on a free Silver B for sure. Yah, buyers can be pretty unreliable, both up to and after the sale. I have had a few say they would drop off grills but haven't. Similar to ones that say they will stop by a certain time/day to buy one of my grills but never show up or cancel last minute. It is just all part of the game.
Congrats on selling the grill Joe. What did you use to clean the inside of the firebox. I liked how you did that.
What is a 6-in-1 tool?
There available in any hardware store - usually the paint department. I would be lost without it. The pointy part is great for getting in tight spots and I use one (the half circle) for getting all the paint off of rollers.
There available in any hardware store - usually the paint department. I would be lost without it. The pointy part is great for getting in tight spots and I use one (the half circle) for getting all the paint off of rollers.
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Thanks Joe,
I have one of those and never new what it was. LOL. I never thought about using it to clean the inside of a grill. I got mine at the Home Depot years back for opening paint cans.

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