Weber Repair, Issue and Screw Replacement

On a side note - I am note sure what the crossover even does. I can light all the burners easily, on their own. The only thing I see it doing is allowing me to start one burner and then turn the others on (and they then light).

Its just as easy to turn on burners as needed and light them as needed with the igniter button?

I don't get it...
Seems like its only purpose is a failsafe in case one of the other igniters or wires fails at some point. Edit: And what Bruce said about wind-blown re-ignition
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That solves that mystery for me! Thanks!

And makes me want to sort the bracket issue even more...

One of the benefits of the crossover is that if a burner blows out from wind or whatever, it will reignite off the other burners. Without that, you could wind up with all burners eventually blowing out or having raw gas build but inside the cook box.
It might be a requirement in the UK for safety reasons and why your grills have it and ours do not.
That is really interesting. I am really surprised that the UK has a crossover and the US does not! I usually soak in PBBlaster a few times overnight and use vise grips. If that fails torch it until red hot and use vise grips. If that fails grind it flat and redrill.

