Weber Mall


Jason in CA

TVWBB All-Star
I keep seeing sponsored adds for the Weber Mall and other names that go to the same site under a different name in the marketplaces.

It's a scam site..
I'm not going to put a link to it.

Sure everyone here knows this but I figured I'd throw it out there anyway. Remember, if the deal is too good to be true...

I did a separate search on the site and several red flags came up.

Be safe and aware.
I've been surprised recently at the 'ads' some friends (who are actually pretty intelligent people) have shared on Facebook. The links are shown and are clearly bogus and the deals far too good to be true.
Pond scum. There be pond scum. If there's a shady buck to be made..... <editorial comment> And Facebook is a RICH feeding ground. </editorial comment>

In all honesty, it's worse IMO than the Olde West snake oil salesmen. Those guys at least had capital tied up in horses, wagons, clothes..... oh, and at least fifty cents in snake oil. These days, you can register a domain, rent a virtual server, and load it up with stolen shopping cart software for just about the modern equivalent of that fifty cents in snake oil. Shoot, they don't even need any product, they can just swipe images with vague promises to deliver. You really do need to trust your nose, if it smells too good, or stinks to high heaven, just click away from the page.

