Weber-ized marketing...


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Purina Beggin' Bacon flavoured Hickory Smoked strips... Maddie L♥VES these....


if you look close to the lower right-hand corner.... the new bag on the left has what looks like a red WSM
where the older bag on the right has a black kettle...

Guess if they're going to call them smoked they decided to show a smoker not a grill.

I get these for Brooke at Costco, when they have them:


Lately they've only had the chicken jerky ones, but she really likes these too.

Nice free advertising for Weber WSM and kettles on those packages. The treat that makes my Yellow Lab, Golden mix Barney go bonkers
is Pupperoni. He will dance all around one and roll on it before he eats them.
Pretty cool...but that looks more like a red Brinkmann electric smoker to me, given the wooden handles on the sides and the door that latches on the left. ;)
Pretty cool...but that looks more like a red Brinkmann electric smoker to me, given the wooden handles on the sides and the door that latches on the left. ;)
yeah, it could be.... but then, it could be a painted RED Weber with a few modifications made to it.... like wood handles on the sides and a door that latches on the left.... Yep, that's it. A Weber WSM modified to LOOK like a cheap brinkmannjunker... ;)
I love it! We don't buy commercial dog treats, Barb makes her own for the pups and they love em.

Dog Biscuits

One cup low sodium beef broth
1/3 cup margarine
½ cup powdered milk
½ tsp. salt
One egg beaten
Three cups whole wheat flower

Pour beef broth over margarine. Add Milk, salt, and egg. Gradually add flour ½ cup at a time till you have a stiff dough. Knead 3-4 minutes, roll out to a ½ “ sheet.
I use a small pill bottle for the cookie cutter, if you drill a hole in the bottom of the pill bottle the dough will fall right out of the pill bottle when you lift it.
Bake on ungreased cook sheet for 1hr and 15 minutes at 325
Store in plastic bags, no need to refrigerate they will stay fresh for months. That is if they last that long.

