Weber Grill Academy Experience

I guess that we aren't all invited to the "mystery tour"..@1jcnaz as of right now, our only events in Phoenix are private events. If that changes, we will certainly let you know!! -Carter
Amazed that they would completely bypass the state of Texas. I have griped to Weber about it and got a response saying they just couldn't secure a location this year. I find that hard to believe, but what are ya going to do.
AWW,, skipped right by Detroit, they must be scared, guess we all in the 313 have to get together and put on our own weber show,
Brian,there is a section on Weber's blog about this event. But they aren't giving any info out,either there or on twitter.
Amazed that they would completely bypass the state of Texas. I have griped to Weber about it and got a response saying they just couldn't secure a location this year. I find that hard to believe, but what are ya going to do.

It says they are going to Austin.
This is really poorly done by Weber. They've announced a tour but no dates or just private events. Why bother?
I have been following on Twitter and Instagram. So far there has been NOTHING about any events. Just pictures of an SJ in front of various tourist attractions. :(
Guys this is just a publicity stunt to get followers on social media.....we are tripping over ourselves and we don't know the reason or where to go!! I'm sure it really exists....but this is throw four young salespeople in a truck and " go get the word out for Weber."

The generic responses and the folks in the picture are a dead giveaway also.......
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Webers approach on this whole thing is pretty lame. We're all huge fans and they even keep us in the dark?

No thanks Weber.
I saw the truck yesterday and didn't realize what it was. I just thought it was a delivery truck. It was parked at a lowes. I REALLY hope i didn't miss out on my town's academy visit.


