Weber artwork by Linda Kelen


Chris Allingham

Staff member
Some of you Weber old-timers may remember Grill-Out Times, a newsletter that was mailed to registered Weber owners back in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Weber hired an artist named Linda Kelen to create all of the unique artwork featured in the newsletter, plus point of purchase advertising and some watercolors for the Weber Grill restaurants.




You can read past issues of Grill Out Times here.

Linda has a new blog for the BurgerGuy character that you can check-out to keep informed about his antics:

Also, Linda has put some of her artwork online, and it's a blast from the past. (make sure to click the small image on the right, it's the complete version of how to clean your Weber gas grill) (some Weber food characters)

Finally, you can see more of Linda's artwork in the new cookbook Weber's Big Book of Burgers, just out for 2014.
I've been so busy,
but, moving along at a snails pace,
I finally got the BurgerGuy blog up and running!
As the BurgerGuy gets stronger and able to stand more independently on his own with the rest of his family and friends,
there will be more blogging activity....more of his world to look at...more of his world to have.
I'll get there....slow but sure!
Very cool Chris. I do remember the Grill Out Times and recognize Linda's artwork. Good to see that Linda is a member here too. I like your blog Linda.
We're just 6-8 issues short of having the entire Grill Out Times collection online here at TVWBB. Hoping to complete the set later this year.
I've been so busy,
but, moving along at a snails pace,
I finally got the BurgerGuy blog up and running!
As the BurgerGuy gets stronger and able to stand more independently on his own with the rest of his family and friends,
there will be more blogging activity....more of his world to look at...more of his world to have.
I'll get there....slow but sure!

Fantastic work Linda! I'm a fan!
Those remind me of Go Dog Go:

And now, do you like my BBQ hat? I do, I do like your BBQ hat. Goodbye. Goodbye.

You other parents will understand.

