Way high temp


Gary Sabino

TVWBB Member
I am doing a butt and a flat. I went out for about an hour. When I left the temps were steady at 25o at the dome. While I was out, the door fell off! When I returned, the temps were like 375 and the water was slightly boiling and the meat was even sizzeling. I quickly added cold water and closed all the vents. Top and bottom. Temps are coming down. Question: Is all lost or is this salvagable? Also, are we all in agreement that the door is the weak link on the smoker?
Not having had this experience, I would believe the butt will be incredibly forgiving. The flat may be an issue on the thin end, but the heat wasn't there for too long.

I took a recommendation from someone else on the TVWBB; put a white dot on the knob (I used white model paint) that indicates where your latch is and turn the door upside down. The knob is on the bottom and the dot is down ... you're good to go.
I bet they turn out fine. Be sure to let us know the results.
Who knows, maybe this will be your best cook yet & you'll be trying to recreate the temporary high temps again in the future.
My door is like Jimbo's--it's a good idea--but yes, the door is the weakest link, imo.

Did you happen to check the flat internal when you discovered the door off? Is it a small one, not much fat on it?

The butt should be fine. They can take high heat.
I just mopped and took the temps. Both are around 150, so I think I am still in the game. My wife said the same thing, that it may turn out to be the best cook ever.
The only time I would consider meat to be unsalvageable without tasting first is if there is a concern about food safety.

I agree with Jimbo, mark the door. I ahve also had the knob virtually fall off because I would always turn it the same way. Now I'm more careful; left when taking it off, right when putting it back on.
Last week I spent about an hour futzing with that door. I thought I had it perfect, only to find today after a while that the knob started spinning without latching. I now have it propped shut with some 2x2's. The problem was I closed the garage door on it and bent it. Thus, a weak link was weakened even more by carelessness. I guess I will have to buy a new one if this keeps happening.
BTW, the flat is hanging at 160. Its about a 4 pounder. I'm thinking that I will let it ride till about 175, than finish it in the oven. Any other ideas?
I just used a thin strip of yellow gaffer tape. It's lasted all winter and doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon.

