Water Pan - foil or not



TVWBB Super Fan
Just curious if all of you are using foil on your pan or not. I wish I kept the link but at work today I saw a post where the water pan was not foiled and not used with water and it just looked seasoned.
I foil the bottom even when I use hot water in the pan and that's for low n slows (pork butt and ribs). For chicken I just foil the whole pan for a little higher temp. In operating tips & mods @ the top of page it has a wealth of info in regards to the water pan.
I must be the oddball. I have never messed with foiling my water pan, and don't really have any desire/intention to. It gets dumped and cleaned after each cook, same as the grates.
I must be the oddball. I have never messed with foiling my water pan, and don't really have any desire/intention to. It gets dumped and cleaned after each cook, same as the grates.
I do the same thing as Jeff. When I do long cooks I don't foil and I use water. On short cooks(w/o water) I'll clean it out and foil it, cuz I don't want all the fat in it making a bunch of smoke that I don't want on my food.
I do the same thing as Jeff. When I do long cooks I don't foil and I use water. On short cooks(w/o water) I'll clean it out and foil it, cuz I don't want all the fat in it making a bunch of smoke that I don't want on my food.

I foil for this reason. Don't want the smoke from the burnt drippings.
For me, it's pan on the bottom, sand in the middle, and foil on the top. I have done a few cooks w/o the foil, using a disposable drip pan under the food, but it's still enough of a mess afterward that I think it's worth it to foil the pan each time.
So for those that don't foil or only foil the top do you wash the bottom after every smoke? I did a 1-1/2 hour cook tonight and did not foil and I did use water. The water side was easy to clean but the bottom had some soot that darkened the washcloth. No big deal though.
So for those that don't foil or only foil the top do you wash the bottom after every smoke? I did a 1-1/2 hour cook tonight and did not foil and I did use water. The water side was easy to clean but the bottom had some soot that darkened the washcloth. No big deal though.

I foil the bottom so I don't have to wash it. When it's so dirty that you can't tell there's foil on the bottom of the bowl, it gets changed out for some new stuff...

