Water Pan falls with water


David Rocha

New member
Hey everyone,

I had a bbq disaster where my water pan full of water flipped onto the coals (luckily I had removed most of my ribs just before). I had never had this happen before. The next day I placed the empty water on noticed it sat fine on two of the hinges but swung on two other hinges. I tried to bend the water pan and this seemed to help.
I started an overnight cook tongiht and the water pan fell down again but this time it didn't flip. I was able to vacuum the water out and save my coals and cook! This time I bent the hinges a bit and filled with not as much water and for now it seems to be holding steady.
Has anyone encountered this problem before? Any tips or suggestions? I have had the 22.5" WSM since Aug 2010 and no problems until now.
I store it with the cover outside and has never fallen to my knowledge.

My overnight cook appears to be going well so I will see this morning how everything goes.

I am not sure if this helps but my top grate has also fallen or slipped off the hinge at one time. Out of round??

I agree with your guess that something may be out of round. Take some diameter measurements and check for roundness. Also are all of the brackets tight? I have never had an issue like that so I do not have any first hand experience to call on.

The brackets are tight and secure. My overnight cook looks great and the water pan has stayed in place. I will do some measurements to see if it is out of round.

might also want to check the pan and see if it isn't a bit out of round. anything is possible.

hope you get it figured out.
How old is is your rig Dave? That should not happen. I would be on the phone with Weber in a heartbeat if it did unless it was damaged or something.

