Chad-Burnt to a T
TVWBB Super Fan
I hope it's OK to post this link below, but I'm a firm believer in buying USA and supporting USA small businesses. Anyway this has some of, but not all of what I have found and supported along the way. It has some information about some products and how they use to be proudly made in America, but no longer exist or are nearly extinct. Christmas lights were one story I read. Anyway, thought some would enjoy this. I know some people don't care and just grab what big stores have in stock without trying to buy outside of China. I make a very conscious effort to buy everything I can outside of China.
My wife went to hobby lobby and I don't think I found 1 item without a made in China sticker. Just sad IMO. Needles to say nothing purchased!
Same with Christmas decorations almost in every store. I buy completely USA made or EU products from the skirt to decorations to stockings.
Pots pans cutlery you name it nothing China made in my house.
Bird feeders bird poles USA made.
E lectronics LEDs you just can't avoid and I hate that. By the way this isn't a political issue so don't bring it here. If people have other sources of products you know of list em here if it's not against board rules.
The one thing I made sure 100% sourced and made in the USA was my Flags I fly. Made in China USA flags, really? I have a link to made in America sourced in America Flags as well if wanted!
Anyway 1 link to start you with.
My wife went to hobby lobby and I don't think I found 1 item without a made in China sticker. Just sad IMO. Needles to say nothing purchased!
Same with Christmas decorations almost in every store. I buy completely USA made or EU products from the skirt to decorations to stockings.
Pots pans cutlery you name it nothing China made in my house.
Bird feeders bird poles USA made.
E lectronics LEDs you just can't avoid and I hate that. By the way this isn't a political issue so don't bring it here. If people have other sources of products you know of list em here if it's not against board rules.
The one thing I made sure 100% sourced and made in the USA was my Flags I fly. Made in China USA flags, really? I have a link to made in America sourced in America Flags as well if wanted!
Anyway 1 link to start you with.

Our Source List for Hard-to-Find Christmas Decorations Made in the USA
Christmas decorations made in the USA can be hard to come by. Don't worry, we have a list just for you. These holiday decorations are American made.

The List
Looking for a list of Made in USA products? Start here. Believe it or not, there are too many American Made products to list, but we have gathered every brand we can find making "Stuff We Love, Made in USA". There are over 4000 brands listed here with more added daily. Click to see what they are...