USA made products

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Chad-Burnt to a T

TVWBB Super Fan
I hope it's OK to post this link below, but I'm a firm believer in buying USA and supporting USA small businesses. Anyway this has some of, but not all of what I have found and supported along the way. It has some information about some products and how they use to be proudly made in America, but no longer exist or are nearly extinct. Christmas lights were one story I read. Anyway, thought some would enjoy this. I know some people don't care and just grab what big stores have in stock without trying to buy outside of China. I make a very conscious effort to buy everything I can outside of China.

My wife went to hobby lobby and I don't think I found 1 item without a made in China sticker. Just sad IMO. Needles to say nothing purchased!

Same with Christmas decorations almost in every store. I buy completely USA made or EU products from the skirt to decorations to stockings.

Pots pans cutlery you name it nothing China made in my house.

Bird feeders bird poles USA made.

E lectronics LEDs you just can't avoid and I hate that. By the way this isn't a political issue so don't bring it here. If people have other sources of products you know of list em here if it's not against board rules.

The one thing I made sure 100% sourced and made in the USA was my Flags I fly. Made in China USA flags, really? I have a link to made in America sourced in America Flags as well if wanted!

Anyway 1 link to start you with.

I hope it's OK to post this link below, but I'm a firm believer in buying USA and supporting USA small businesses. Anyway this has some of, but not all of what I have found and supported along the way. It has some information about some products and how they use to be proudly made in America, but no longer exist or are nearly extinct. Christmas lights were one story I read. Anyway, thought some would enjoy this. I know some people don't care and just grab what big stores have in stock without trying to buy outside of China. I make a very conscious effort to buy everything I can outside of China.

My wife went to hobby lobby and I don't think I found 1 item without a made in China sticker. Just sad IMO. Needles to say nothing purchased!

Same with Christmas decorations almost in every store. I buy completely USA made or EU products from the skirt to decorations to stockings.

Pots pans cutlery you name it nothing China made in my house.

Bird feeders bird poles USA made.

E lectronics LEDs you just can't avoid and I hate that. By the way this isn't a political issue so don't bring it here. If people have other sources of products you know of list em here if it's not against board rules.

The one thing I made sure 100% sourced and made in the USA was my Flags I fly. Made in China USA flags, really? I have a link to made in America sourced in America Flags as well if wanted!

Anyway 1 link to start you with.

You made my day brother Chad!

It’s so rare these day to find a like minded person who understands the importance of supporting American tax paying workers and companies.

Thank you.
I'll try hard to buy something not "Hecho en Chine". However I won't "go without" something over it. IOW, if I need something and it's all I can find I get it. I.E., recently I bought that garage heater. I researched them every which way to Sunday. All of them, even well known American names were made in China. Unless you got into the REALLY large scale 480V 3 phase heaters. So, I just got what I got. No way I can do a 480v heater :D
While we are on the subject…


The company buys yarn that is grown, spun, dyed and sewn in the U.S., contracting with suppliers mainly in the Southeast. It also owns a cutting and sewing facility in Middlesex, N.C., and is part owner in another sewing facility in Los Angeles, which was opened specifically to make the Walmart T-shirts.
How did it get the price down? By automating parts of the process to keep labor costs low, American Giant was able to compete with countries such as Vietnam and China where workers are paid a fraction of the U.S. minimum wage.

“You can make almost anything here, as long as it doesn’t require lots of labor,” Winthrop said.

Unlike some other industries that have become highly mechanized, there are limits to automation in apparel. For the most part, fabric is still sewn by humans.

To fulfill Walmart’s order for hundreds of thousands of shirts, American Giant and its partners hired 75 people to staff the Los Angeles sewing facility. The company and its suppliers also spent $1 million on machinery designed to make production faster and more efficient. It also tweaked the design.

To arrive at the $12.98 price, American Giant sifted through data provided by Walmart that forecast how many shirts it could expect to sell at various prices. “We could then go to our partners and say, ‘Depending on pricing, we’re either going to sell 10 T-shirts or 10,000 or a million,’” Winthrop said.
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