two butts one big one small. what to do?


Gordon LW

TVWBB Member
looking for some opinions here.

I get the 2 packs from sams and try to eyeball that they are same size when buying. usually they are close enough. well that didn't work this time becuse I had to get the biggest package I could find.

one with fat cap was 9.5. the other with fat cap is 6.25

I trimmed the fat cap and most of the false cap on the big one and got it down to just under 8 pounds (7.95).

I'm doing these overnight in my WSM 18 for my buddy's birthday tomorrow. I need to leave the house by 4:30 ish, eating at 6ish.

my butts usually take closer to the 2 hour per pound range.
I planned to have them off by 2-3 to be safe and hold them in a cooler.

so should I leave fat cap on small one and put them on at the same time?

trim fat cap and put it on later?

trim and put them both on at same time and just plan to hold the small one longer?

I've held in a cooler for 5+ hours before safely. I prefer 4 or less but "it's done when it's done" and dinner time doesn't change based on that.
I honestly don't think that trimming a fat cap is going to make much difference, other than get you better bark. I'd probably just hold off a while before putting the smaller one on.
I agree, you might be surprised how long the little one may take, it will hold in a cooler if done early
+1. Just foil and hold the smaller one. Butts are very forgiving so the small one can stay on quite awhile past initial done, especially since your going low & slow. might be surprised how long the little one may take, it will hold in a cooler if done early

True. Butts much OVER eight pounds should get done in UNDER your estimated time of 2hr/lb, but a 6.25lb one will probably take every bit of twelve hours if you cook that slow. I just don't see the problem in waiting a bit to put the smaller one on, since there was over three pounds difference in the weight of both. That's quite a difference...but If you cook with a dry pan, since the lower rack cooks slower I might go ahead and just put the smaller one on the bottom at the start of the cook. On second thought, even if you do use water in the pan, the bottom rack still cooks a good bit slower if cooking at the temps you're cooking at.
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thanks everyone! come to think of it I remember a few years ago doing a smaller one and it taking much longer than I thought it would. after posting I had decided to wait a few hours to put the little one on but maybe I'll just throw them both on at the same time.

I might go ahead and just put the smaller one on the bottom at the start of the cook

I read that in one of the recipes. I've never done a butt on the bottom just abt's. I may try that.
Gordon, after considering how long your butts usually go, I think that's the way to go....both on at the same time with the smaller on the bottom rack. No reason to crowd the top rack when you've got two and you can use the two grate's cooking differences to your advantage. I'd position the butt on the bottom rack with the bone turned toward the door to make checking easier. Good luck with it.

