Turned off Profile Posts


Chris Allingham

Staff member
(I think) I have turned off the Profile Post feature. It's supposed to be a way to share your status with the community without posting a message in any particular forum. However, it seems that people keep confusing it for Private Messages, which it is not because Profile Posts are public and everyone can read them. And it's not just members here, it's a common occurrence in Xenforo forums.

In Xenforo, Private Messages are called Conversations. An easy way to have a private conversation with another member is to mouse over their avatar/name (if using a PC) or tap on their avatar/name (if using a tablet or smartphone) then click "Start Conversation" and type your message. You can add additional members to the conversation by entering their username(s) into the "To" field. You can have a maximum of 5 members in a conversation.
I didn't confuse them with PM's or Conversations, but I was never really clear on their purpose. I did enjoy reading your little factoids of the day though Chris.
I thought they were cool, but I kept seeing people posting messages to each other on them as well. I liked Chris's fact of the day type stuff.

