Dustin Dorsey
TVWBB Hall of Fame

15.75 pound turkery, seasoned with kosher salt and Meat Church Holy Gospel. I let it dry brine in the fridge over night.

Franklin fired up. I used mostly pecan and a few sticks of oak.

I cooked it at around 350 for maybe 2 to 2 1/2 hours. That pit has some serious airflow and the skin on the breast got dark on me before I caught it.

Weirdly it looks fine in this picture. I had to rest the bird for a while in a cooler so crispy skin was out of the question, but this is the first time I've achieved really good bite-through skin. The air flow on that pit and the high temp did a great job of rendering the fat. My only regrets are maybe not dry brining longer or not wet brining, but I don't think I'd have gotten the skin that good. Thanks for looking! Happy Thanksgiving!