Trying to keep up with the Jones's AKA. Jim Lampe and Bob Corell ;)


Mike Isaacson

So yesterday I went to the meat shop and had some thick pork steaks cut. (Just like Jim would do)

Rubbed them down with Wee Willy's Apple Smoke Chipotle

Quick sear

Then off to the other side to soak in the apple/pecan smoke for 1.5 hours

Wee Willy's bath for another hr.

And "tighten up the sauce" (Just like Bob)

here you go pork steak like I saw Jim and Bob make... Thank you guys
Jim Lampe and Bob Correll....are they famous for something? Mike your plate looks great! But what happened to that hot dog, did it even make it inside the house?
Sometimes I like to toss one on as a snack while I cook.
Well Mike Jones, nee Isaacson; I'm sure you will be welcomed into the family with open arms (and mouths)!

