Trying BRITU (best ribs in the universe) recipe


Tom S

So, just wanted to try this in the Mini WSM. Followed the recipe and cooking procedure as close as I could.

Preparing the ribs with dry rub:

2013-07-26 12.02.29 by tspindle, on Flickr

Got em lightly dusted with rub:

2013-07-26 12.02.15 by tspindle, on Flickr

In the rib rack:

2013-07-26 14.04.39 by tspindle, on Flickr

Preparing the charcoal, used the minion and it held the temp at a perfect 250-275 for 4 hours.

2013-07-26 12.17.34 by tspindle, on Flickr

Into the smoker, forgot to get pics of the inside... :(

2013-07-26 17.00.19 by tspindle, on Flickr

And the finished product.

2013-07-26 19.21.58 by tspindle, on Flickr

2013-07-26 19.34.32 by tspindle, on Flickr

My wife said the best thing to come out of the mini yet!
I have done the BRITU on several smokes with Loin Back Ribs with excellent results. What is perhaps the most important thing, is my guests and family have been quite happy, quite happy, indeed!

Well , the ribs sure look nice! I love it when the wife likes my BBQ ( she is not normally a fan of smoked meat)
I tried the BRITU recipe on my first rib cook, and while I've modified the procedure a bit, its still the rub I have always used for my ribs. Always gotten good results.

