Tri tip & 'shrooms


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
Ok, gotta get this posted before cocktails 2, 3, and 4 happen! :)

Had a couple of tri tips that needed to be cooked up (been in the fridge a few days, and the freezer is full!) I set the 26" up for indirect, put a thin coat of olive oil on the TT's, then dusted with Dizzy Pig Raising the Steaks. When the fire was ready, I put the TT's on indirect, flipping every 8 minutes (I always rotate the grate when I flip so I can put the meat down on hot grates.) After (some number of 8 minute cycles), the TT's were at about 120 internal, so I moved them to direct heat for 90 seconds per side. At this point, I put my cast iron skillet on the grill with some butter and olive oil. When I flipped the TT's after 90 seconds, I added the mushrooms and Dizzy Pig Mediterranean'ish to the skillet. TT's came off, mushrooms finished while the meat rested, and then we plated up with steamed white rice and broccoli. Truly a comforting and wonderful meal to share with my wife, and three ladies (20, 18, 15.) On to the photos.....






